Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Michele Tsai answered this question in "Ask the Explainer" on on MSN. Have you ever taken a bad photograph, or wondered to yourself that you didn't realise you were so fat when you look at a photo of yourself? Well, the camera does ADD 10 pounds and you can blame a couple of things!

Bad lighting is the number one culprit! If the camera doesn't catch you at a good angle you can just forget it! That's why some people have a professional photographer take their photograph! And that's also why so many celebrity photos get airbrushed!

The camera also distorts the way you look. If you end up being the one at edge in a group photo, the distortion is why you will look fat! I didn't know that!

So now I know what to blame for me being fat....the camera did's totally off, after all I'm so svelte and gorgeous!

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