Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
the good and bad ones
Published on August 26, 2007 By foreverserenity In Diet
Fish is good for you, yes it is! The nutrients from fish, the omega-3 fatty acid, put you at a lower risk for heart disease, it is a very good source of protein and it is especially good for pregnant women because she is more likely to have a full-term pregnancy and it helps in the development of the baby!

That said however, there are some risks in eating certain types of fishes. Some fishes have lots of toxins and mercury, these are not good for us to ingest. So what is a mom to do when she is unsure of what to feed her family? Well, the researchers of the Institute of Medicine and the Harvard School of Public Health have made things so simple and easy for us to know what not to eat!

Their recommendations are of much importance because they have divided their studies into four parts (which fits in well with the different stages of our population) which is very good indeed! Those are: children who are 12 or younger; women who may become pregnant or are breast feeding; adult women who will no longer become pregnant and adult men; and adults who are at a high risk for heart disease.

While it is good for all of us to eat a variety of fishes, Atlantic herring, wild salmon, sardines and Atlantic cod, at least two 3oz servings per week; women who are likely to be pregnant or women who are breast feeding and children younger than 12 should not eat: shark, swordfish, tilefish or king mackerel. These fishes contain too much mercury or still contain traces of toxins such as “polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) those man-made byproducts of the electrical industry”.

The article suggested that we eat less shrimp, which is full of cholesterol and fish sticks which has a lot of oil and although they contain less mercury, they do not provide Omega 3 fatty acids and so are not at all good for us to eat as many times as some people do!


on Aug 29, 2007
I like the fishier fish.  Some, like my wife, prefer the the blander tasting fish, but I figure if you are going to eat it, do it for the flavor!  To that end, I love Salmon, Spot and Croaker.  Tuna and the larger fish are ok, but they do not have the tang that the smaller fish do.
on Aug 30, 2007
Hmm, I've had Croaker, pretty good and I love Salmon! I've only eaten canned tuna. I guess as with all things, eating it in moderation!