Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Published on January 4, 2008 By foreverserenity In Parenting

I like reading about other moms and how they cope with their families and how they do things. To me it’s always interesting to see how other people live and how they handle the situation that comes at them from time to time!

What I don’t like however, are those moms who are so full of themselves they can’t understand or believe that another person have a hard time doing some things and struggle with being a mom. Everyone is not perfect. Some people handle things differently. The things that I excel at may not be the thing that someone else excels at. I think everyone should know this by now in reference to any given situation right?

Everything doesn’t have to be done by “the book”. Just because you read about how to do something in a book doesn’t mean that it has to be the same for you. Each person experiences things differently, and that’s normal and that’s OK! I can’t tell you how many times when my kids were babies I had someone tell me that I should do something their way or the known way for doing it.

Some people work well with schedules, some don’t. I’ve tried using schedules at different times with my children. It worked well when they were babies and toddlers. It went out the window as they got older! So, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

I believe playing it by ear according to your family’s needs and your lifestyle is always the best thing to do.

on Jan 05, 2008
I believe playing it by ear according to your family’s needs and your lifestyle is always the best thing to do.
Here, here! What works with one child doesn't necessarily work with the next. My three kids have taught me that. I say, do what's best for you and yours and don't judge others for doing the same.

on Jan 05, 2008
My three kids have taught me that

Mine too!

I say, do what's best for you and yours and don't judge others for doing the same.
