Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Published on November 4, 2008 By foreverserenity In Politics

The world as we know it will end!

Run for your lives, Black people will be in charge!


OMG......we won't get rid of them!


OMGGGGG.....the country goes down the toilet!


The Muslims will come in and take over!


We all gonna lose our jobs!


People gonna have to stand on the street corners and give to the poor, freely and willingly!


Move over buddy.....your rights will all be gone!


Our country will be left open to all and sundry!


There will be lots of bar-be-cues on the White House Lawn!


Malt liquor will become a national drink!


Forget about Handguns and Shotguns, there will be lots of uzis and sawoffs...then again, scratch that, what do I know about guns?!


All working moms will become Welfare moms!


We will have no future!


There will be even more confusion and in-fighting!


We hate our country!


We only listen to those stupid news media types and actor types...we are mindless!


We are clueless as to the last eight years under the could we be so wrong?


Forgeddaboutit.....lets just see how badly he fails!


Yup...if Obama wins.....all gone.......


So run for the hills and gather all the food and weapons and ammunition that will last for four years......


How sad are we?



on Nov 04, 2008

Now if I could just get that soundtrack laugh of Michael Jackson's Thriller on this article....this would be PERFECT!

on Nov 04, 2008

Hilarious collection of the lies, Donna.  Two thumbs up.  Fried chicken and collared greens for everyone, followed by a prayer facing east!

on Nov 04, 2008

Now if I could just get that soundtrack laugh of Michael Jackson's Thriller on this article....this would be PERFECT

Thanks for the sound in my head while reading it again, it truly is perfect. LOL

on Nov 04, 2008

Dont worry.  With the fairness doctrine back, you wont hear any negatives.  The thought police will take care of you just fine!

on Nov 04, 2008

Hilarious collection of the lies, Donna. Two thumbs up. Fried chicken and collared greens for everyone, followed by a prayer facing east!

lol..thx!  Just thought I would toss some of that stuff together and maybe some might see how over the top we have all become!  I'm scared too, but we cannot just hand in the towel and give up on us!

Thanks for the sound in my head while reading it again, it truly is perfect. LOL

LOL! That song has been in my head since Holloween night!lol!

Dont worry. With the fairness doctrine back, you wont hear any negatives. The thought police will take care of you just fine!


Do you hear the things coming out of my head too?  They would be shocked!lol!

on Nov 04, 2008

The thought police will take care of you just fine!

Fortunately I can out think the thought police if they think I thought a thought then I can think a thought that they just can't think of...I think. 


on Nov 04, 2008

Fortunately I can out think the thought police if they think I thought a thought then I can think a thought that they just can't think of...I think.

Befuddled much?!


It is the thought that you thinnk you thought that you think about you thought, I think!

on Nov 05, 2008

I just want my 1000 bucks.