Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Published on September 29, 2006 By foreverserenity In Automotive
I am just fed up with so many drivers out on our roads who don’t give a crap anymore. They don’t care about the road signs, they don’t care about their fellow drivers or pedestrians, and they don’t care even about the cop pulling up behind them.

It’s bad enough that there are careless people drinking and driving, but do those of you who are sober have to drive like you’re maniacs? Is there no end to how much of a hurry you are in? Can’t you leave an hour earlier so you don’t have to be rushing so much?

I saw a van, a van, drive onto the middle of a medium, to get into the turning lane so they could shoot across the busy traffic and go wherever the heck they were going?! What’s that all about? How stupid can people be? Apparently I’ve already answered that question!

People have no patience anymore. They can’t wait until the person in front completes a maneuver, they can hardly wait for you to make a turn, they are already kissing your bumper! Road signs on how fast to go don’t matter anymore, the local roads have become speed tracks for those who have the speed demon inside of them.

I tell you what usually happens, they end up in a tree, or someone’s house or wedged into a truck. A scenario I’m really sick of seeing played out almost every day on the roads. It’s horrible for someone to die just because they were driving too fast or at the hands of a careless driver. Too many times I’ve seen or heard reports of young people, who have lost control of their car because of speed. That should not be happening!

It’s time for all of us to realize that driving is a responsibility, not just a privilege. You have the lives of other people in your hands and your own precious life as well. It’s time for everyone to be more conscious, more courteous and stop being road hogs.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 01, 2006
Personally I think that the cops should be able to pull over the especially stupid/dangerous drivers and beat them senseless with their night sticks right there on the side of the road.Maybe everyone should have the right to do that....

! I can just see the lawsuits! Ya know, if they could do something really justifiable to those who act like idiots behind the wheel maybe we would have more concientious drivers out there!

Now as for Taiwan and China you might as well forget it. They are horrible plus they do not observe what rules they have in driving from my observations. The police do their best in Taiwan but for China they try bu people just do not get it.Taiwan has many motorbikes and some race around like they own the road not caring for anyone. Car drivers are the same. In China forget it. Even in some of the bigger cities where I have been to they are just plain stupid when it comes to operating a car and do not obey the simple rules. Not stopping at times for a red light, cutting you off on city strets and not stopping for people crossing the streets. Dangerous as hell but they do not care.

I owe my husband a big apology! He's always said to me that chinese drivers are the worse he's ever seen than anyone else on the road. You just proved him right!

So the best thig for me is to not drive and pray that if I am on a bus or in a car they get me there in one piece.

I hope so too for your sake. Man that must be frustrating!
on Oct 06, 2006
You forgot all about parking. There are people that just couldn't take time to park properly. I have seen hundreds of cars that's from just a little to WAY over the lines. Worse one I have seen was a giant white truck that was very close to right line and over a feet over on other side, and was over the front line by over 4 feet. Basically, this single truck took over those 4 compact parking spots. it was towed away.

At Clark college I had to learn how to park very fast, especially after hundreds of times trying to fit in parking spot with CLOSE TO ZERO clearance on sides. Once, I had a car with broke driver side door keyhole, I was completely stuck since someone parked less than a inch away from my car's passager side door. No way for me to get in. The mirrors were only inch away from each other.
on Oct 06, 2006
You forgot all about parking. There are people that just couldn't take time to park properly

You're right, I forgot about parking too! Some people will deliberately park bad because they don't want anyone near their vehicles.

At Clark college I had to learn how to park very fast, especially after hundreds of times trying to fit in parking spot with CLOSE TO ZERO clearance on sides. Once, I had a car with broke driver side door keyhole, I was completely stuck since someone parked less than a inch away from my car's passager side door. No way for me to get in. The mirrors were only inch away from each other.

My goodness, that's terrible! I make it a point not to park near to cars that are hogging the parking spot.
on Oct 24, 2006
alxycu jpkzaosg sburhgd vznr jbyx cvxdpfw bzugfk
on Oct 27, 2006
Reply #19
alxycu jpkzaosg sburhgd vznr jbyx cvxdpfw bzugfk

Writing in English would help.
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