She has the right and we have the right to criticize.
Her comment really says more about the company she keeps than the country she lives in. When I get together with friends, we don't sit around talking about money or whatever, we talk about all kinds of interesting things. I'd put the "intelligence" of the conversations my friends and I have up against hers any day. Pick a random transcript from either one and compare would be absolutely ideal.
What I suspect is her real issue is that she has no concept of geography. How many places in the United States has she been to? Talk about a clear case where "generalizing" looks ridiculous -- generalizing the people of the United States who live on a continent-spanning nation state with her experiences in an urbanized area of an island nation state.
I still think it's amusing watching Silent Poet being oblivious to the fact that GP just generalized the entire United States and sees nothing wrong with that but had another actor said the opposite - that Americans are smarter than the British he would be the first to stand up and condemn it.
If I criticize Islam for very specific acts he's the first to make excusies and defend Islam. But if someone else criticizes the entire multi-cultural population of the United States he's the first to defend the person doing the criticism no matter how specious the rationale is.
One wonders if he is evne conscious of his reflexive anti-Americanism.