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Road to Wellness and Serenity
Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Going Green
Published on January 28, 2007 By
Pure Technology
I’ve been hearing this terminology for a while now,
Going Green
. It’s actually a pretty smart analogy used to link to the environment and being healthy.
Because it’s the first thing people will think about when they hear the terminology right? Going green, trees, grass, organic! I don’t know about you, but it says those things to me!
What is
Going Green
really, what does it mean?
Going green is what you do in an effort to save our planet. It’s not just recycling anymore. It’s conserving energy, the type of food you eat, less use of plastic where possible – although some type of plastics have been used to make things more environmentally friendly, anything that you can do at home or work and in your daily life that will help to make our planet better.
I’ve been doing little things, and trying to encourage my children and hubby to do likewise. For one, I’m buying differently, albeit a little at a time, because those organic food are not cheap! For example, buying more whole grain products – bread, spaghetti, etc. That’s better for our health and helps to support those manufacturers and farmers who are being more environmentally friendly.
I remind my family not to run the water when they are brushing their teeth or when they are soaping up in the shower. Turn off electricity that is not being used and unplug those cell phone chargers and other items that don’t need to be plugged in when not in use.
We’ve been opening our windows more, especially now that the weather is cooler, and turn off the air conditioner.
Maximizing our trips so that we don’t make unnecessary trips by car and this also saves on our gas consumption.
These may not be really big things, but every little bit will help.
Eviana Hartman
wrote an article for the
Washington Post online
last year entitled
“Going, Going Green
In it she wrote about the use of Plastic, Sustainable Energy, Composting Toilets, Bio-degradable fuel, Green Burials – [you have to read the link to learn more] and Clothing Swap – yes, clothing swap!
I also found this really cool
Going Green Website
that will give you more information and helpful hints on things you can do.
According to the Website, there are some good reasons as to why we should be going green:
(A) Each year, 1 million sea birds, 100,000 marine mammals, and 50,000 fur seals are killed as the result of eating or being strangled in plastic.
Americans throw away 25 billion Styrofoam coffee cups every year, and 2.5 million plastic beverage bottles every hour.
(C) Americans throw away enough glass bottles and jars to fill the 1,350-foot twin towers of New York's World Trade Center every two weeks.
(D) Americans throw away about 40 billion soft drink cans and bottles every year. Placed end to end, they would reach to the moon and back nearly 20 times.
(E) Eighty-four percent of a typical household's waste--including food scraps, yard waste, paper, cardboard, cans, and bottles--can be recycled.
(F) Using recycled paper for one print run of the Sunday edition of the New York Times would save 75,000 trees.
(G) A 1/32" leak in a faucet can waste up to 6,000 gallons of water a month, or 72,000 gallons a year.
(H) America's refrigerators use about 7 percent of the nation's total electricity consumption--the output of about 25 large power plants.
If we were to begin making changes this is what could happen:
(A) If every American recycled just one-tenth of their newspapers, we would save about 25 million trees a year.
It takes only one-twentieth as much raw materials to grow grains, fruits, and vegetables as it does to raise animals for meat.
(C) By turning the heat down, Americans could save more than 500,000 barrels of oil each day--that's over 21,000,000 gallons.
(D) If all the cars on U.S. roads had properly inflated tires, it would save nearly 2 billion gallons of gasoline a year.
David Lurey
also has a great website,
Find Balance
where he features his
Green Yoga
He also has some wonderful suggestions that will help you begin the journey to living healthier and becoming one with the environment!
So don’t forget
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Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages
on Apr 26, 2008
Really, in order to achieve a sustainable future, the world needs population controls. But until we can all get over the notion that it is some kind of inherent human right to breed, "going green" can preserve what we have and maybe make it last just a little bit longer.
Please explain what you mean. All animals breed, are you suggesting that humans don't have the same right as all other living creatures?
What do you mean by sustainable future?
on Apr 26, 2008
Please explain what you mean. All animals breed, are you suggesting that humans don't have the same right as all other living creatures?
What do you mean by sustainable future?
Not all animals breed. Many animals die before they can accomplish that. Human beings are very successful as a species. Modern medicine, nutrition, and lifestyles mean that people, on average, live a long time, giving everyone plenty of opportunity to breed. For example, some people theorize that bad eyesight is a recent phenonmenon. Ancestors carrying the trait would have been at a serious disadvantage. But glasses fix that.
People with genetic diseases (eyesight is a little extreme) should not be allowed to reproduce as much simply because they are able to reproduce as much. One child for the most severe of cases would be fine. If you have a dominant p53 mutation, for instance, you should be able to have only one surviving child.
Our population is growing exponentially, and the problem must be remedied fast. The world's carrying capacity cannot currently support a population of 20 billion. Like Malthus predicted a long time ago (before the agricultural revolution), we are heading for disaster once more, this time at the limits of human potential. Our minds will be tested, and it is arrogant to believe we will prevail over nature once again.
P.S. Obviously the controversial point is, "Who decides who can have how many children." But I think that some kind of legal consensus could be reached. Even fairly fit individuals should not be able to reproduce like rabbits.
The point is that it is simply irresponsible to have more children than the world can handle.
[edit: the population problem is greater in developing countries. the genetics problem is greater here. fecundity in the US is already fairly low.]
on Apr 26, 2008
Not all animals breed. Many animals die before they can accomplish that. Human beings are very successful as a species. Modern medicine, nutrition, and lifestyles mean that people, on average, live a long time, giving everyone plenty of opportunity to breed. For example, some people theorize that bad eyesight is a recent phenonmenon. Ancestors carrying the trait would have been at a serious disadvantage. But glasses fix that.
People with genetic diseases (eyesight is a little extreme) should not be allowed to reproduce as much simply because they are able to reproduce as much. One child for the most severe of cases would be fine. If you have a dominant p53 mutation, for instance, you should be able to have only one surviving child.
Our population is growing exponentially, and the problem must be remedied fast. The world's carrying capacity cannot currently support a population of 20 billion. Like Malthus predicted a long time ago (before the agricultural revolution), we are heading for disaster once more, this time at the limits of human potential. Our minds will be tested, and it is arrogant to believe we will prevail over nature once again.
I remember this argument in the 1970’s when ZPG was the buzz word. We were heading towards 3 billion people and the Earth could not sustain all of us. There will be mass starvation and horror that could easily be avoided if we stop breeding. Well we are at 6 billion and counting see any mass starvation?
Before ZPG there was Planned Parenthood. And before that was Adolf Hitler with is final solution. Before that was eugenics funny all of those things are supported by the democrat party. This makes me wonder.
The point is that it is simply irresponsible to have more children than the world can handle.
How much can the world handle?
on Apr 26, 2008
How much can the world handle?
Let's find out.
on Apr 26, 2008
Let's find out.
Based on your answer you are not serious. You advocate reducing the population by draconian means with the goal of saving the world or some such silliness and you don’t even know how many is too many. Lets not put you in charge of any nursing homes okay.
on Apr 26, 2008
Based on your answer you are not serious. You advocate reducing the population by draconian means with the goal of saving the world or some such silliness and you don’t even know how many is too many. Lets not put you in charge of any nursing homes okay.
Ok. To give you a number, I would say the world can support about 10 billion people. But that would mean a pretty cruddy life. Anyway, the problem in developed countries isn't really a population problem; its the problem that anyone can succeed. Developing countries account for most of the population problem. And who cares about them? You might think that is harsh. But just wait until you have to choose between feeding some poor African children and buying that new tivo unit. Suddenly, its "their" problem, not yours.
Developed countries already reduce their population, by non-draconian means. That's not my chief point, although it certainly is an issue.
on May 05, 2008
Ok. To give you a number, I would say the world can support about 10 billion people.
The problem is I have heard this argument before, back when the population was hitting 3 billion. The Earth can not sustain three billion people, I was told. We had to cut down the population and since the developed nations are better equipped we should be the ones to reduce our population in order to lead the way to a better life.
You might think that is harsh. But just wait until you have to choose between feeding some poor African children and buying that new tivo unit. Suddenly, its "their" problem, not yours.
I do not think it harsh to contemplate I just don’t see it happening in my lifetime or that of my grandchildren. America has always helped out its friends and enemies alike in times of need and most times to the detriment of our own people, but we did what was right rather than what was best for us.
Developed countries already reduce their population, by non-draconian means. That's not my chief point, although it certainly is an issue.
Yes, one that is foolish when it comes to the strength and security of our nation. We kill off out children and replace the loss with immigrants that have no stake in the success of this nation.
on May 05, 2008
The problem is I have heard this argument before, back when the population was hitting 3 billion. The Earth can not sustain three billion people, I was told. We had to cut down the population and since the developed nations are better equipped we should be the ones to reduce our population in order to lead the way to a better life.
See, this is why I didn't want to give a number. As soon as I do, I get the infinite human potential argument in return.
I do not think it harsh to contemplate I just don’t see it happening in my lifetime or that of my grandchildren. America has always helped out its friends and enemies alike in times of need and most times to the detriment of our own people, but we did what was right rather than what was best for us.
I don't know what to say except that I disagree. America only does what is best for America. There are a couple minor exceptions. For example, our country's religious beliefs lead us to make certain illgical decisions re
garding the Middle East. I am talking more about Israel than the Arabs, by the way.
Yes, one that is foolish when it comes to the strength and security of our nation. We kill off out children and replace the loss with immigrants that have no stake in the success of this nation.
Please... No one is going to attack us. No one wants to risk nuclear war, which is probably an inevitability that makes everything else unimportant. People have a bad habit of lickn' the wurld as good as they can.
on May 05, 2008
See, this is why I didn't want to give a number. As soon as I do, I get the infinite human potential argument in return.
Oh, you mean the fact that we have been hearing this tired argument for 30 years and have not seen the dire results that have been predicted. That is not an infinite human potential it is a fact that has disproved your theory.
I don't know what to say except that I disagree. America only does what is best for America. There are a couple minor exceptions. For example, our country's religious beliefs lead us to make certain illgical decisions regarding the Middle East. I am talking more about Israel than the Arabs, by the way.
The UN wanted the USA to guarantee the new Israeli since no one in Europe wanted to have anything to do with the Jews so they could get oil from the Arab states. It did not help them but they still support the Arabs more each day. They still have unrest and now they are being over populated by Arab immigrants that are voting as a block changing the secular laws to follow certain religious laws. You know the thing you say is bad when Americans try to do it.
Please... No one is going to attack us. No one wants to risk nuclear war, which is probably an inevitability that makes everything else unimportant. People have a bad habit of lickn' the wurld as good as they can.
Okay, you seem out of touch. I vaguely remember being attacked on September 11 2001, I also remember being attacked for 30 years before that. When people attack and kill Americans after they have declared war on America and we have yet to nuke them. Are you suggesting that the attacks we have suffered and the deaths of Americans over the past 30 years is unimportant or irrelevant?
on May 05, 2008
Okay, you seem out of touch. I vaguely remember being attacked on September 11 2001, I also remember being attacked for 30 years before that. When people attack and kill Americans after they have declared war on America and we have yet to nuke them. Are you suggesting that the attacks we have suffered and the deaths of Americans over the past 30 years is unimportant or irrelevant?
No balanced power has attacked us, and when was the last time a formal power attacked us?
on May 05, 2008
I just can't help but think of Penn & Teller's show on Showtime when I see stuff like this. Anybody else see that episode where environmentalists signed the petition to ban Dihydrogen Monoxide?
on May 05, 2008
No balanced power has attacked us, and when was the last time a formal power attacked us?
7 December 1941 Japan attacked us, it was the last time any nation state was stupid enough to declare war on America.
1949 thru 1989 the Soviet Union attacked us through surrogate states and groups. They were the ones to fund terrorist groups until they lost control of them in the late 80’s and were attacked by the groups they formed and funded. They tried to get out of the terrorism business. According to the head of the KGB at the time it was the only way to attack America and not have to suffer the consequences. They also funded the attack on our financial system in the 1980’s that caused a minor recession, had they better understood the capitalist system they would have done far more damage but the end result was the end of the USSR rather then the end of the USA.
Various Arab states picked up where the Soviet Union left off. With their oil money they funded attacks on Americans abroad up until 2000 when they lost control and were attacked by the groups they funded. In 2001 President Bush then changed our policy to include any state that supported or harbored terrorists to be treated as terrorist states. We went into Afghanistan and Iraq using that justification and the bad guys went black until they can find a new way to attack America.
Various terrorist groups that set up their own funding no longer needing nation states to support them and have gone wild ever since. The war is still going on since the 1970’s it is just in slow motion so you fail to see what they are doing but they are doing it and they are still trying to destroy America.
That is just a quick down and dirty list off the top of my head with out any research.
I just can't help but think of Penn & Teller's show on Showtime when I see stuff like this. Anybody else see that episode where environmentalists signed the petition to ban Dihydrogen Monoxide?
Yeah, I saw that and it took all of 8 seconds for me to realize the goal was to ban water the one thing we all need to survive all to save the planed and ourselves. Yes, those idiots gladly signed on to eliminate every living thing on the surface of the earth because their hearts are in the right place their brains just have not caught up yet.
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