Or maybe I'm too opinionated....
[This is neither a whine or a rant (perhaps just a tad ranty) or directed at any one person in particular - it's my blogger observation]
Either way when I respond to someone's blog I do so because I have something to say and the topic being discussed is of interest to me.
Sometimes I give a long-winded response and I always apologise about that. It's just that sometimes my contribution to the discussion might end up being a long comment.
Whenever I respond I try not to get too personal (telling about my own experience), but most times I do. If that's too much for you, let me know and I won't do it. However, I just wouldn't be me. It would be like being someone else.
I'll give my opinion, state the facts I know, and sometimes if I've had a similar experience and I want to let the writer know this, that I empathise and I know where they're coming from, about what they're writing.
If I read a blog and the writer is asking a question, I'll respond in kind. If you don't want a comment then disable it so no one can answer and expect some type of a response from you.
For your information, I blog Mondays to Fridays while at work, on my own time; if anyone responds to my blog after 5pm on a Friday, you won't get a response until the following Monday so it's not that I'm ignoring you.
And if I respond to a blog and after checking it more than three times and there's no response, then that's when I tune out, because it seems my opinion is not needed.
It's not too much to ask though is it, to be acknowledged? Even if it's to say you don't have time to respond right now? Unless you don't like what I said and you're being prissy about it?
Perhaps there need to be a lesson on blog etiquette.