Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Or maybe I'm too opinionated....
Published on October 7, 2005 By foreverserenity In Blogging
[This is neither a whine or a rant (perhaps just a tad ranty) or directed at any one person in particular - it's my blogger observation]

Either way when I respond to someone's blog I do so because I have something to say and the topic being discussed is of interest to me.

Sometimes I give a long-winded response and I always apologise about that. It's just that sometimes my contribution to the discussion might end up being a long comment.

Whenever I respond I try not to get too personal (telling about my own experience), but most times I do. If that's too much for you, let me know and I won't do it. However, I just wouldn't be me. It would be like being someone else.

I'll give my opinion, state the facts I know, and sometimes if I've had a similar experience and I want to let the writer know this, that I empathise and I know where they're coming from, about what they're writing.

If I read a blog and the writer is asking a question, I'll respond in kind. If you don't want a comment then disable it so no one can answer and expect some type of a response from you.

For your information, I blog Mondays to Fridays while at work, on my own time; if anyone responds to my blog after 5pm on a Friday, you won't get a response until the following Monday so it's not that I'm ignoring you.

And if I respond to a blog and after checking it more than three times and there's no response, then that's when I tune out, because it seems my opinion is not needed.

It's not too much to ask though is it, to be acknowledged? Even if it's to say you don't have time to respond right now? Unless you don't like what I said and you're being prissy about it?


Perhaps there need to be a lesson on blog etiquette.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 10, 2005
blog irregularly... often I miss comments because of this. All thoughts are appreciated, and like LW says, long responses are great. More insight, more fun to read.

I guess this might be one of the reasons for most people! But thanks for letting us know.

ForeverSerenity: You are one of my favorite bloggers! You are always kind, reasonable, and full of wisdom. I appreciate all your contributions to my threads.

Thanks Tex, that's sweet from a sweetheart!

I manage to skip over you, please let me know! I hate being ignored, hehe, so I definitely don't want to do that to you.

You've yet to do that so don't worry!

FS, I appreciate any answer on my articles. It feels good knowing someone not only read my blog but took time out to comment on it. So I would never knowingly ignore anybody's comments.

Thanks Udigit!

know how you feel though, there's been times when I gave what I feel as long thoughout answers, only not to be acknowledged at all. Maybe certain bloggers just don't like me, though I'm not saying that about you. From the above answers you seem to be liked.

Yes, I know what you mean. One can't help feeling a bit unsecure when it happens time and again. But an acknowlegement is certainly not too hard to do. I'm feeling the love! guys......did I tell you how much I really like you guys? I'm saying it again!!!

Hey! Quit horning in on my blogger! I found her first!

More than half the time, I am laughing so hard, my answers are short and badly typed! You are the court Jester here at JU!

hahaha...I know...sometimes my sides bursting....literally!

Serenity, I was going to write a blog on this subject once. There have been several times when I have given a well thought out response, and I am knowingly not acknowledged.Kinda makes me feel like what I said was not of any importance to the person. I just think it's good etiquette to respond to someone if they have taken the time to read and reply to your article.

Yes InBloom, I know the feeling. Especially when the writer seems to want comments. If only to acknowledge and give one worded answers...anything!

I will try not to do this myself (like Dr. Guy, I see comments maybe a few weeks or so later and don't reply to them in a timely manner because of this).

I understand, we get busy with real there's so much being written one doesn't get to it all on the same day. Sometimes I join a conversation a week later.

Given that we have the greatest birthday of all, I will never ignore any comment of yours. Besides, we share a birthday, and my wife's name is Rose as well! And she did live in Texas for awhile! (Ft Worth Area).I knew we had a lot in common!

You two are practically related! My favorite cousin's name begins with the word Rose! Hahaha....OK, I'm just kissing up now!

Foreverserenity:IMHO, you're never too wordy on your responses! I love hearing from you, you're encouraging, positive, and kind.AND if we didn't agree on something, I know you'd state your position politely.

Trudy! I haven't been on your blog in a week, I have to remedy that! Thank you for the kind words. You're such a sweetheart yourself! You're right, I would tell you politely because I really hate insulting anyone, unless they deserve it!

There's a couple of posters here at JU that haven't responded to my posts,SO....I haven't and won't go back. Simple.and that was after checking at least 2-3 times......

Totally agree with this!

I DO sometimes not respond the same day myself as I can only sit so longcause of my back and knee. ALTHOUGH the knee is doing superb!

Yes, I get busy sometimes too, and especially since I blog from work. Like now I'm taking a break but have to get back in a few minutes. I'm so glad your knee is feeling much better!

You know what bugs me?? posts that are pointless to just get points. There's one in particular right now.......when so many posters have excellent articles that richly deserve comments and points!anyway THIS is long and I just wanted to say I LOVE to see your articles and posts! keep em comin!

I know what you mean. There are points whore and there are points whore....the ones that do it out of fun and the ones that do it purposely! Thank you Trudy...glad to have readers like're one of my favs too!

Usually I respond (I think) but sometimes I just have nothing more to add and feel like a knob writing "Yeah, ditto!"

I know it seems a bit retarded at times but anything is good!

Then again, I am a very random blogger. Sometimes I multi-blog and then I don't blog for weeks much less get to JU.I like your responses so I hope that I haven't offended you that way.Is it Trinitie that writes, "Blog on"?If so, I am going to quote her.Blog on, girl!

Yes I know some people blog occasionally! No you haven't momijiki! I love your blogs too and haven't been on it in a while but I haven't forgotten about you. Thanks for the inspiration!

Yes, we do! And we also agree that Udig is quite the Court Jester (not only on JU, but at home, too

We definately need someone who can be zany and keep us laughing!!
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