Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Published on February 8, 2006 By foreverserenity In Life Journals


Notions, thoughts, ideas

Choose one. In a sense they are all the same.

Those pre-conceived ideas that people have about each other or about someone they don’t know. A person will take one look at someone and just assume something; something they think is true because of those pre-conceived ideas. So in essence we make a lot of assumptions!

Assumptions that is incorrect. Because if you don’t really know someone, how in God’s name do you arrive at the conclusion you do? How? I’ll tell you how. We go right back to my first thought, pre-conceived notions, thoughts, ideas.

My definition of assumption is “making an ASS out of U and ME!

So don’t make assumptions and toss all those preconceived notions!


The war hits close to home

I found out recently that my nephew was sent to Iraq last month. He’s the first born son of my eldest brother. I’ve never met him because his mother and my brother broke up a long, long time ago. She migrated with him to New Jersey when he was eight years old. I can’t believe I have a nephew I’ve never met. My siblings and I are very close and even though we’re scattered far and wide, we do keep in touch on a regular basis. Truthfully I had forgotten about his first love. My brother married again with children from his current wife.

I’m going to contact my nephew’s mom and hopefully will get the chance to speak to him when he returns.

I pray that he will return home; I pray that all our men and women return home safely.


I thought I was past the insecurities…

Yesterday I had a nasty experience. I won’t go into too much detail but someone’s attitude and actions made me feel very bad about myself.

I went home like a coward, a dog with his tail between his legs, hurt, feelings turn upside down. I couldn’t believe I reacted this way and I couldn’t believe that I made someone dumped on me and almost killed my spirit.

I know my kids were wondering what’s wrong I just couldn’t tell them and I couldn’t tell my hubby either and I was glad he wasn’t home to see me wallow.

I’m going to give that person a piece of my mind when I see them again. I’m going to let them know how I felt and how unjustified their actions were and I’m going to not let anyone treat me that way again.

I just couldn’t believe how I reacted and took this to heart. I promise myself to never let anyone make me feel bad about who I am. I preach to my children everyday about this kind of thing and telling them to stand up for themselves and never let anyone push them around.

And I’m such a vocal person, such a strong-minded person; I don’t usually let other people get away with behaving like that.

I’m still recovering from my recent illness and I’ve not been feeling too grounded recently. That might sound like an excuse but it’s not. I’ve just not been myself lately. I’m taking baby steps to recovery.

I feel a lot better mentally today. I’m chalking it up to having an off day and never letting anyone let me feel that way again, ever!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 08, 2006
A pox and curse on anyone that would cause you pain!
on Feb 08, 2006
Just tell me where they live FS. I know people. . .

I enjoyed this blog, though it makes me sad to know someone would hurt such a wonderful person such as yourself.
on Feb 08, 2006

A pox and curse on anyone that would cause you pain!


And as for pre-conceived ideas?  Another name is prejudices.  Not all are bad, but everyone has them.

on Feb 08, 2006
Thank you Elie, Peter, Doc...I appreciate your kind words and the smile I got from reading your responses..! Seriously, you guys are soothing balm to my soul! (((HUGS)))

Yes Doc, pre-conceived ideas are prejudices, and I agree not all are bad. Heck I have them too and I remind myself all the time not to make assumptions.
on Feb 08, 2006

remind myself all the time not to make assumptions.

I never {Hee Haw} assume!

on Feb 08, 2006
A pox and curse on anyone that would cause you pain!

From me too... Don't you just want to strangle people who suck positivity out of others. There is a name for people like this: leeches.

Hope you're feeling better today.
on Feb 09, 2006
You shouldn't let anyone have that much power over you. Sometimes people need to put people down to make themselves feel better. Usually you only need to confront them once and they'll leave you alone.

I hope you don't let it affect you for more than it already has. And I hope you are better both physically and mentally.

btw .. I have to correct you. When people make an assumption that make an ASS out of U and UMPTION.
on Feb 09, 2006
Hope you're feeling better today

Leeches is right! Thanks Maso I am!

hope you don't let it affect you for more than it already has. And I hope you are better both physically and mentally.

Thx Chris. I shouldn't have let it bothered me like that but it was unexpected and I didn't see it coming so hence my reaction. I was emotionally crushed. But I'm OK now. I didn't realise I would feel the way I did. I"m trying to remember that smart quote about that which make you stronger but can't at the moment. I am felling a lot better mentally.

btw .. I have to correct you. When people make an assumption that make an ASS out of U and UMPTION.

OK. Haha...I stand corrected!
on Feb 10, 2006
Glad to read that you are feeling better about stuff. Don't beat yourself up over your reaction, though. When someone is/has been sick, he doesn't have the same emotional defenses. My experience anyway. Doesn't mean you're weak or lacking pride. Means your body has been busy getting better whilst someone deserving a smack with a tuna has been acting like a wiener.

Remember... tuna are LARGE fish! Just imagine somone getting smacked with one upside the head when they are being obnoxious. Works for me everytime!
on Feb 10, 2006
When someone is/has been sick, he doesn't have the same emotional defenses. My experience anyway. Doesn't mean you're weak or lacking pride. Means your body has been busy getting better

You're right momijiki.

someone deserving a smack with a tuna has been acting like a wiener.Remember... tuna are LARGE fish! Just imagine somone getting smacked with one upside the head when they are being obnoxious. Works for me everytime!

I really do like this image! What a picture this paints for me. Thx! Hehehee..
on Feb 10, 2006
I like to imagine myself capable of wielding a tuna as well. Makes me feel strong, since some of the tuna I see sold is almost as long as I am tall and some weigh easily over 100 kg. That little tuna can is misleading.

Anyway, I am a tuna wielding woman! Watch out!
on Feb 11, 2006
boy I'd love to get ahold of that tuna and smack that idiot! let me at them

I too don't seem able to stand up for myself it I'm physically recouping from illness. Which is why I kept people at a distance after my knee replacement!

I'm sorry that happened to you

Loved this whole article! especially the first part. I've been guilty of making
assumptions, and have had them made about me. It didn't feel good either

As time goes on I learn more and more about my son, and things I thought were one
way are another and my assumptions and ideas were way off base.
so back to square one with relationships!
on Feb 11, 2006
I’m going to give that person a piece of my mind when I see them again. I’m going to let them know how I felt and how unjustified their actions were and I’m going to not let anyone treat me that way again.

That is a great thing to do. Then they can see how their words or actions affected you. Maybe they knew, maybe they didn't, but it will take it off your chest and let you go on.

Everyone has their off days when they aren't feeling up to dealing with stuff like that. I'm sorry someone hurt you too.
on Feb 13, 2006
That little tuna can is misleading.

I'll say!

Anyway, I am a tuna wielding woman! Watch out!

I can just see you with the tuna now, swinging it by the tail..."I'm tuna lady hear me roar!"!

boy I'd love to get ahold of that tuna and smack that idiot! let me at them

Thx Trudy!

too don't seem able to stand up for myself it I'm physically recouping from illness.

It's hard to do that when you're not 100% yourself.

Loved this whole article! especially the first part. I've been guilty of making assumptions, and have had them made about me. It didn't feel good either

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it. I know what you mean, assumptions aren't good for most people.

As time goes on I learn more and more about my son, and things I thought were one way are another and my assumptions and ideas were way off base. so back to square one with relationships!

That can be really hard. I hope everything will work out.

Everyone has their off days when they aren't feeling up to dealing with stuff like that. I'm sorry someone hurt you too.

Thank you Kelly. Sometimes things come at you like a train wreck and you don't realise it until it's over. It's the aftermath that bothered me a lot, the feeling down on myself part was pitiful and I didn't deserve that. I'm too emotional sometimes and that makes me vulnerable. I'm a tough cookie but I still have a soft center.
on Mar 07, 2006

Forever, sorry I am getting to this late.

It always seems especially harsh when someone who seems to be such an uplifting spirit gets kicked in the teeth.  I am sorry you were hurt.


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