JU is down and I've been trying to get this posted and hopefully it will post today!
I wanted to thank the following people who gave a hand in writing this prose:
Dr. Guy, Island Gurl, KellyW, InBloom, San Chonino, AngelaMarie, Dynamaso and UdigIttheMost.
Thank you so much for responding to my blog the other day and sharing your thoughts [I can't link it as easily from the forums but it's the same titled piece]. I basically left what you each wrote but only use the words I thought were a better fit so this would flow better! So without further ado, I give you our joint venture (hope you like it!)
Dedicated to all the Moms of JU and especially to our own Moms! [and to those who have passed on]
There's nothing like a mother's love
There's Nothing Like a Mother's Love
that keeps you safe and warm
She gives her love selflessly
Her words, sometimes a chide
yet often tender
She is the woman who gave me life
and put her life aside for years
She helps you to find your place in this world
Sometimes she even puts you in your place
Mothers are the strongest beings ...in more ways than one
She's the one that will do anything for her kids
Who will wipe your nose when you've got a cold
The only woman in the world who could lick a handkerchief to wipe grime from my face
but won't touch your used gym socks if her life depends on it!
My mother is dynamite surrounded by cotton wool
She is soft and giving
Organized, energetic, and hard-working you were
You amaze me and I clearly have a lot to learn
but if you don't treat her right she'll explode in your face
and sometimes embarrasses you in public
Mom is the only person in the world who knows me so well
She is the one who taught me most about looking after myself
I was very lucky to have a wonderful mom
It’s hard to put down in words the love I have for her
All that is good in me she had a huge part in.
There is nothing
like a Mother's Love.