hmmmm.....[twirls imaginary mouthstache]
My last write up before I go running for the rest of my saturday activites!LOL!
This one is a little difficult for me. Difficult because I had started writing an article several months ago and I hadn't finished it. I was going to post it today. It was inspired by a blog I read from someone whose work I've always enjoyed reading.
I know I responded to that blog, but I see that my comment was deleted...that or maybe a computer glitch did it. But I definately remembered my comment appearing after one other person's comment and now it's not there.
But that's ok, a little bit hard to swallow, since I don't think my comment was in anyway inflammatory but perhaps I didn't say what the person wanted me to say in response to what they were writing.
At any rate, I think it's wrong for someone to do that. If you don't like to hear from someone, do the right thing and blacklist them. That makes life easy for everyone. But to erase a comment just because the opinion shared wasn't what you wanted to hear....that's cowardly, in my opinion.
The last time this happened to me, a couple of times on one other blog I've stopped visiting that blog.
I'm still going to post my article, but not just yet. I'll just let this bit of information sink in a little and shake it off and move on.
Cest la vie!