Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Published on August 11, 2006 By foreverserenity In Current Events
I sit and watch with trepidation what was unfolding in front of me on the television from the news report. A report on the British terror plots. Thank heavens they found some of those people, I hope they’re able to find all of them.

Here in America they finally were able to locate some of those Egyptian students who were missing. While the reports said they were only students and not terrorists, one never knows and I do hope they will find the others.

With what’s been going on between Israel and Lebanon and of course our own fight against terrorism, it makes me wonder what kind of world my children are going to have to live in for the future.

Will there even be a world for them to live in? I hope to God there will be.

I also hope that they will be able to live in a world where freedom in every sense and form is permitted, without fear of reprisals.

I know there are a lot of people screaming for peace, I want that too. I want there to be none of this crap that’s going on. But let’s be real.

Let’s be real in realizing that the world of yesterday when peace and freedom reign is no more.

Let’s be real and realize that unless we do for ourselves, no one else is going to do for us.

Let’s be real and realize that with crisis like this happening all over this world, and 100% of the time, the hatred and violence is aimed at US we cannot sit and just hope that they will go away, or that someone will intervene on our behalf or that these fanatics will listen to reason. Because they won’t.

I’ve come to realize that, as I read and listen to, with trepidation, and fear, the news reports, news programs, and other blogs on what is going on in our world today.

I look at my children and try to answer their questions, trying to explain to them what is going on in this world around them without scaring them. It’s hard to do that. It’s hard to want them to be so innocent and not know that this is going on all around them, but I have to let them know something because they can see for themselves. They see how worried we are, and they hear us talking.

I cannot forget what I’ve seen with my own eyes. I cannot forget the terror I felt five years ago as I wondered to myself if I had walked into a different world. If war had broken out and it was the end of the world as I know it.

I hope that type of fear never comes so close to home for me again. Ever! And so I will do what I can when I can. I can’t say what it is yet, because I don’t know what it will be. But when that time comes, and I pray it never does, I will be one of those out there fighting for my own and my children’s survival.

And that is why we CANNOT sit idly by and chant for peace. Yes we want peace; we’re not a war mongering nation. But what do we do when there are others out there who will not give up, will not stop at anything until they see our nation fall to its knees? What do we do? I don’t have the answer. But I know that there will be a time when each of us will be tested to this. They are not going away people, they are here to stay. And they are out there amongst us, mingling and living and smiling and getting ready to snap our lives in two. This is the fear I have and this fear is becoming a reality.

I’m not advocating that we just go out there and fight other nations and beat people up. But I am advocating that we wake up to the fact of what is going on around us. We got the shock of our lives five years ago. We acted, and we were on alert. But somehow we’ve become so complacent. We watch what’s happening to others and still we cry for the same thing. I don’t blame Israel for reacting the way they did. Because they had to show that they weren’t going to stand for the crap that these terrorists give.

Now we hear that our allies have found people within their own countries that were planning an even more sinister attack against us. And once again everyone is up on arms and on the offense. We cannot just wait for things like this to happen. We have to be able to cripple these people somehow, in someway. That is the only way that they will stop. That is the only way that they will leave us alone.

We have to wake up people.

We have to WAKE THE F$%K UP!! We cannot sit and make excuses anymore.

on Aug 11, 2006
it does make you wonder if the "students" were an extension of the plot.  If they are innocent, their timing is lousy.  That is for sure.
on Aug 11, 2006
it does make you wonder if the "students" were an extension of the plot. If they are innocent, their timing is lousy. That is for sure.

Exactly! At this point, everything is suspect!
on Aug 11, 2006
We don't need to wake up, we just have to turn tail and run...

... so sayeth the pacifists and blame the U.S.A. crowd and their slate of weenies that are running for offices (like Lamont, Kerry, Murtha and a host of others)

We have yet to DO ENOUGH to bring down the hell that these terrorists really deserve, if not on them directly, on their proxies, friends and relatives in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.

The plot that was foiled is a great accomplishment for the security workers that help protect us, but it's nothing compared to what could be coming in the future if we don't absolutely send the message that we have zero tolerance and zero forgiveness for people that use terror as a weapon. For all of the grief we've gotten over Gitmo, over Abu Grhab and similar situations, we should not just be embarrassing and demeaning these cretins, we should be offering up spots in the lines to be the first to fire the bullets at these terrorists as they are summarily executed for their crimes against humanity.
on Aug 11, 2006
Reply By: terpfan1980Posted: Friday, August 11, 2006

You know Terp, to some what you say might be cruel, but you're so on point. You're so absolutely right! It's coming to a situation whether it's us are them and I know who I'm rooting for!
on Aug 11, 2006

You know Terp, to some what you say might be cruel, but you're so on point. You're so absolutely right! It's coming to a situation whether it's us are them and I know who I'm rooting for!

That is why we love ya!

on Aug 11, 2006
That is why we love ya!

Terp or me?!! I'm just fishing, you don't have to answer that one! : )

on Aug 11, 2006
I'm just fishing

Catch and release, or are you playing for keeps???
on Aug 11, 2006
The peaceful world hasn't existed as long as people have existed. We have always been violent, war-like beasts.

Man is a foul beast that seeks to destroy all who are like him.
on Aug 12, 2006
Catch and release, or are you playing for keeps???

Good question, that I don't have an answer for.
on Aug 12, 2006

Terp or me?!! I'm just fishing, you don't have to answer that one! : )

bleccch!  Oogey!  Ptouie!  Terp?  We do hand shakes!  No hugs or kisses!

Hugs and kisses to you!

on Aug 12, 2006
bleccch! Oogey! Ptouie! Terp? We do hand shakes! No hugs or kisses!Hugs and kisses to you!

Hahaha, that's funny Doc. Thanks a bunch, smooches to you too!