Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Notes in a time capsule
Published on August 16, 2006 By foreverserenity In Life Journals

Do you believe in reincarnation? I do. I believe that somewhere in the future I will appear again as someone or something else. I don’t want to be an animal. I would rather be human again, hopefully I would get the chance to be me again.

If I am, there is something I would like to say to my future self, if I could leave a time capsule of sort:

Grab each opportunity with open arms. There were times you let some things go instead of pursuing them. Don’t put things on the back burner.

Don’t let others try to live their lives through you. I’m not talking about you sharing or helping someone who needs it, I’m talking about those who will take advantage of you. Do what you want on your own time, not someone else’s. Live your dreams, realize your dreams, not theirs.

Before you started traveling and you were busy working and putting yourself through business school, that part time sales job you had, watch out for that lecher of a sales manager. Don’t travel with him on that sales trip that he insisted you go on. Thank heavens for that guardian angel who became your best friend.

Make sure you stay in touch with that guardian angel. You will lose contact because one day there will be a big ocean and thousand of miles between you.

Always listen to your mom! She told you to stop climbing on the table when you were a little girl. You didn’t listen, when the neighbor was supposed to be watching you, you got burned with the hot water from the thermos and you spent months going back and forth to the hospital daily to get shots. Your arm had to be bandaged. It left a mark you will have for the rest of your life. Thank heavens the pain won’t remain a part of your memory.

Take longer vacations and spend more time with your parents when you are older. They will die earlier in life than you expect.

Don’t take your eye off your daughter when she’s sliding at the park, and don’t let her ride that bike by herself no matter how much she insists on it otherwise you’ll go through the trauma of broken ankles, twice.

Insist that your husband stay home the night before the planned Christening of your son, that’s the night he almost died.

Tell your second oldest brother not to marry that girl. It’s the biggest mistake of his life.

You will get the urge to move to another state, if you do, wait for at least another two years and plan some more before doing so. Follow your plans, stick to your goal and don’t let anyone talk you out of the one thing you wanted to do before you did it!

Make the move, you had some very difficult times, but it was the best thing you did.

After your second child you were at your best ever physically. Keep it up, stay that way and do not let issues in your life affect your eating habits.

After your third child it will be more difficult to get back in shape. And you won’t until you’re truly ready to make a change.

Always, always, listen to your instincts, that inner self that knows it all will never steer you wrong. Follow your own directions!

These are some of warnings I would leave for myself in the future.

How about you, even if you didn't believe in reincarnation, what would you say to yourself in the future if you could?

on Aug 17, 2006
to my future self I would quickly say, "Go for it"... Don't wait till life passes you by, and don't make choices that compromise yourself, in order to protect someone who only wants to hurt you anyways... Make mistakes, but make up for them, fast, because you might never get a second chance, and you may not get a second chance at true love, so make the right choice when it comes, and go with your heart, not your brain (or anything else).

I find your blog amazing, and thanks for incite...
on Aug 17, 2006
"Go for it"... Don't wait till life passes you by, and don't make choices that compromise yourself, in order to protect someone who only wants to hurt you anyways... Make mistakes, but make up for them, fast, because you might never get a second chance, and you may not get a second chance at true love, so make the right choice when it comes, and go with your heart, not your brain (or anything else).

This is good!

I find your blog amazing, and thanks for incite...

Thanks daz! I see I'm not the only insomaniac up at this hour! Though off to bed I go to get my four hours!!
on Aug 17, 2006

I'd tell myself to listen to my head more often,  seek out the wisdom of elders and then follow it!

I'd tell myself to not leave the coffee pot cord dangling over the stove where my daughter could grab it and get burned again.

I'd tell myself to believe only half of what I see, and none of what I read or hear.

I'd tell myself to take dang good care of my teeth,  with flossing being critical.

I'd tell myself to continue to believe in my own possibilties and not worry what others think or whether they approve of me.

I"d tell myself to learn how to say no,  and not cave in to other's wishes.

I'd tell myself to spend as much time with my parents as humanly possible and learn all about their growing up years,  what they did for jobs,  did they date,  what games did they play as children?  Once they're gone it's to late to let them know how much you value and cherish them.

I'd tell myself to do whatever it is that I love, as a job.  If one loves what they're doing, they'll at least be happy. 



on Aug 17, 2006
I would have to say it would be : Live every day as though it is your last, for tomorrow you could be dead (no lolling on the couch watching the world go by!)
on Aug 17, 2006

An oldie, but I had to learn it myself.

Beofre you say I do to a woman, make sure you love her mother.  Cause that is who she will be in short enough time.

on Aug 17, 2006
I'd tell myself to do whatever it is that I love, as a job. If one loves what they're doing, they'll at least be happy.

This is so true Trudy!

I would have to say it would be : Live every day as though it is your last, for tomorrow you could be dead (no lolling on the couch watching the world go by!)

Good advice.

Beofre you say I do to a woman, make sure you love her mother. Cause that is who she will be in short enough time.

Wise doc!