In our world today we can’t exist without our electronic gadgets. Each day there is a new technology marketed to us. It seems that we can’t get enough of them as manufacturers make what we already own, smaller and sometimes even better.
Have you ever stopped to think what your world would be like without that cell phone, or the Blackberry, Palm Pilot or that Bluetooth device?
Let’s face it for some of us that would be very hard. I’ve turned back for my cell phone that I left at home and mine is not even one of those fancy ones. However I have all my telephone numbers on it. It’s there when my kids need me because they got left by the school bus or forget their gym clothes. It’s there when I’m trying to track my hubby down because he’s out and about.
Now if you’re one of those people who have to have the latest and the best, my little cell phone is no comparison to your great trendy device and so you might feel even more lost without yours.
Are we becoming too dependent on these gadgets though? Would we be able to take a ‘day off’ without being connected to the Internet or our mobile devices?
Do you pay attention to your kids, or spouse when they’re talking to you or are you too busy texting away, barely glancing up, and mumbling a monosyllabic response?
Hmmm, if that’s the case, someone’s been in the ‘dog house’ more than once!
I know my kids and hubby have gotten frustrated with me being on the Internet too long, especially when I’m on JU responding to a blog or two. They’ll hear me laughing my head off and ask me what’s so funny. Sometimes I can explain to them, other times I can’t because they wouldn’t understand! Lately, since getting the Internet service at home all three of my kids have been fighting over whose turn it is. And I’ve had to be monitoring them, what they do, which sites they go on etc. I’ve even had to established rules, on how long each take, plus what they shouldn’t do while on a website.
My teenage daughter lives, lives on her cell phone. The child gets more calls than I do. She uses her 1000 minutes every month! Unbelievable!
My husband usually asks me what does she talk about, but he’s just as bad. He uses his 1000 minutes each month too and has been known to be on the phone for hours on end!
It’s definitely time to put these things aside and start talking to each other more. It will have to be up to me to make that happen. Oy! My son is stuck to his games, and of course endless cartoons!
What about you, does technology enhance your life, or ruin it?