My daughter and her friends are enjoying Homecoming tonight. She’s supposed to be having a sleepover. One of the teen that is supposed to be there is not. She is supposed to be sleeping in my home. She won’t be. Why you might be wondering? Because she’s being quite devious!
I spoke to her mom two nights ago and assured her that I’m in agreement with the sleepover and they will be fine. After the Homecoming everyone is supposed to go to a party at one of the girl’s home.
The first teen came with her mom to my home, my daughter was still getting dressed. Her mom being an expert at hair and makeup which she does for a living took over the ministering to my daughter’s look for the evening.
Second teen arrives at my home with boyfriend in tow. I didn’t even know she had a boyfriend! Her mom is pretty strict as for as I knew and was surprised at that.
She left before everyone was ready because she said her boyfriend wanted to drop her off and she would see them (my daughter and the other teen at the Homecoming). Either me or my hubby will pick them up later. The other parent is dropping them, that’s the plan.
My daughter calls me name withheld is not at the Homecoming. I said what?! She called her to say she couldn’t find the place where it was being held. Say what?! She’s at a car racing with her boyfriend and she’s not sleeping over. Say what?! I’m floored, flabbergasted and can’t believe what I’m hearing!!
My hubby is telling me to be calm just let wait and see. Wait and see what I ask. I have to call her mom. Oh no I suddenly realized, I don’t have the damn number! How could I possibly not have it? They moved and I don’t have the new number! Yikes and I forgot to get it the other night when I spoke to her.
My hubby is calm, I’m going nuts because if anything happens to that 17 year old I’m going to feel very, very bad and responsible. Her mom is expecting her to be at my home, my home!
I called my daughter, no response so I paged her. No call back from her yet.
I know the teen and her mom don’t have a good relationship. They have big fights and their relationship is very volatile. I can understand that she will rebel because the strings that get pulled, really tight and the actions that has occurred in the past, not good. I really like this child because she’s a lovely girl, if just being a little thoughtless right now.
So now I wait until I go pick them up as arranged and if she’s not there I’m going to call her, the teen and tell her that I will have to inform her mom. Why put me in such a situation? She knows the kind of parent I am. Perhaps she thinks I’m a big push over who will not tell? Too bad for her, I will.