Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
some things I dislike about Blogging
Published on October 8, 2006 By foreverserenity In Blogging
I really enjoy this past-time, that's why I've stuck around. The people I've met online also play a key role in making blogging enjoyable. I'm glad some of you are still here!

There are some things however, that I've noticed, that are making the blog experience not so fun anymore.

Oh yea, before I begin, let me do my courtesy disclaimer, these are observations and not because of something that happened to me. My head is not that big!LOL!

My list might be a bit random so excuse me as I don't have a prepared list:

I dislike bloggers who don't actually read what's written. (someone blogged about this and I realised this is so true) - Link. That blog was about people not choosing to read anymore in general, but he did mention about blogs as well and asked a good question at the end, it's a great article! But where blogs are concerned, the reader will skim the article to get the main points, then respond. How can you respond properly without reading?

There are those bloggers who try to make others look 'small' in other words, they try to make the other blogger look stupid.
Well you might as well come out and say it! Instead of beating around the bush and using fancy words that sometimes aren't even used in the right context.

I'm trying to understand the difference between the amount of clicks an article has versus the amount of comments made. I guess the clicks are good for some people but what about having a discussion. I guess that's not a part of the blog experience anymore.

There are bloggers who write an article that's interesting and pretty soon there are ten other blogs with the same thing? Why not comment and have a discussion on the other bloggers blog?

If your thoughts are different are say more expansive (although the writer of the previous blog wouldn't (or shouldn't) feel you're taking over) but if you have to do a blog discussing the same why not refer and/or link the blogger who gave you that idea, just out of courtesy.

I know some discussions really get heated, but why not show some respect while you're at it. No need to be insultive or do name calling etc. Common courtesy is all that's needed.

If you're going to get your feelings hurt don't venture into some discussions. In other words, if you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen! And that doesn't give some of you the right to insult.

If you don't see eye to eye on a topic, nothing wrong with that. Respectfully withdraw and agree to disagree. Going elsewhere to slam the person, a no-no.

Starting a blog, it gets lots of comments, the author is a no-show or only respond to some and not all. What's that about? Its not nice to pretend someone isn't there. And deleting them is not PC.

Disagreements are the norm on any forum, not everyone see eye to eye on every topic, however, using that as an excuse as to why you don't visit some blog sites anymore.

The constant 'shouting' and dispectful 'speaking' to each other is giving me headaches. Whatever happened to your 'inside' voice when responding and commenting to others?

I dislike people who do not try to look at the other person's point of view. Sometimes it's good to step out of your own comfort zone for a bit. Alienating someone because they don't think they way you do is just wrong.

I know each individual's blog site is their own to do whatever they want and say whatever they want, within the rules of standards, etc. but for the love of God, do some of you realise what the heck you're talking about, especially you new bloggers coming on board?

What's with the random repeat of some blogs? I know the JU site can have glitches but that many repeats?

Jaded bloggers, I know some of you are all knowing, and have been there and done that so many times, but just because you have doesn't mean the person 'speaking' isn't having a one of kind experience they're sharing. So no 'rolling' of the keyboards (eyes) out of boredom.

This is not a 'pissing' contest. Of course, if it is, then feel free to be jaded!

I can't think of anything else right now, if you do, feel free to list them!

on Oct 08, 2006
Starting a blog, it gets lots of comments, the author is a no-show or only respond to some and not all. What's that about? Its not nice to pretend someone isn't there. And deleting them is not PC.

Sometimes this happens to me...I get a handful of comments but am not ready to reply because I need to think things over for a bit...or for a couple days. In the meantime I'm feeling kinda bad because I hope no one thinks I've forgotten or overlooked them.

Then sometimes I don't respond to every single comment, just the ones that really stand out...and that makes me feel like I'm neglecting people too. Blogs can be high-maintenance and a little stressful.

Would never delete though. Unless it was something really really weird. Haven't come across that yet
on Oct 08, 2006

I have to defend the repeats. Often, bloggers are writing at the same time. Or they are writing on a subject that they do not read the other's blog.  I have been repeated, and I have repeated.  In most of my cases, my repeat was because we posted at about the same time.  I dont mind repeats.  For none of us, even those with close views, have the same view.  So I am never offended to be repeated.  I figure they have another point to make, and normally they do.  for the ones I do not read, I dont know, and really dont care.

But since I just skimmed your article and that was the only thing I picked up on, maybe I have more disagreements?

on Oct 08, 2006
Sometimes this happens to me...I get a handful of comments but am not ready to reply because I need to think things over for a bit...or for a couple days. In the meantime I'm feeling kinda bad because I hope no one thinks I've forgotten or overlooked them.

That's ok. Sometimes you have to mull things over to give a good response. Sometimes I'll let it be known I'm tied up and will return, or something like that, I've seen others do. But hey, you get busy, nothing wrong with that too.

Where 'regulars' are concerned, that's not happening too often, we've learned.

Then sometimes I don't respond to every single comment, just the ones that really stand out

Again, nothing wrong with that. I've gotten used to my regular bloggers style. Some points are good to stand out especially if the point is good where the subject you're talking about. There are times though some people will feel left out. So acknowledge and addressing at one time, I do that sometimes.

Would never delete though. Unless it was something really really weird. Haven't come across that yet

Good! I haven't had to yet either!

Often, bloggers are writing at the same time.

That has happened before, I know.

they are writing on a subject that they do not read the other's blog.

Yea, that can happen too. I try to make a point of going to the heading where I think a subject will be and see if anyone's written about it. Sometimes it's been covered, sometimes not. Then if I have another perspective that may take too long, sometimes I've clogged up a blog with my response and I hate that. However I'll make an attempt to do it. I believe there are a few of my articles that have been ideas or spin offs from someone else and I let them know that. AGAIN I've said there's nothing wrong with doint that. Just acknowledge.

But since I just skimmed your article and that was the only thing I picked up on, maybe I have more disagreements?

! when you have time read it again you just might!!
on Oct 08, 2006
In regards to actually reading an article before replying to it, on one of my threads a few days ago some dork opens his comment with...I will admit that I couldn't read the whole article....followed by a relatively substantial body of commentary. Commentary that I didn't read, btw, hahah.

I remembered that!

It's one thing not to read a freakin' article before commenting, but to officially inform the author that you couldn't be bothered to finish their article before adding your own two cents worth? Good grief, Charlie Brown!

That's what I'm talking about! HOW can you possibly have an opinion that will make sense if you don't read the entire article? Plus the comment could just be redundant!

It reminds me of the type of person who never really listens to what others have to say because they are too busy thinking about what they are going to say next to pay much attention. This type of person regularly makes an ass of themselves, so they can be quite amusing at times.

Uh uh, I know what you mean!

Another thing that irks me is people who are too lazy to click on a posted link that's pertinent to the discussion at hand, and then end up asking stupid questions, demanding details, or making erroneous assumptions which could have been avoided had they taken that one tiny's not that hard, folks, try it sometime!

Haha, you can say that again! Links are what they are a link to some more details!!

Good article, FS, although I've no doubt I've petted a few of your peeves myself a time or two, hehe

Thx! Aw don't worry about it, although on my behalf, can't think of any. I'm probably just as guilty as the next guy!!

on Oct 09, 2006
You have covered just about everything that annoys me about blogging, particularly those who don't respond to responses. I sometimes wonder why I even bother putting a response up. I think if someone has taken the time to respond then common courtesy dictates at least a blanket response to acknowledge the comment (or comments) are being read.

I know I haven't been around much lately but at least I respond to those who leave me comments.
on Oct 09, 2006
Some of these bug me too and some I am guilty of. I try to respond but some responses there is just nothing to add and if all I'm going to say is nothing much I think what is the point. On the other hand, I hate when I feel like I killed a thread. Everyone else wrote and were responded to and there I am at the end at it's dead. poor me. ha ha. I really just try to not get too worked up about the little things but I'll admit that there are times I've gotten aggravated.
on Oct 09, 2006
You have covered just about everything that annoys me about blogging, particularly those who don't respond to responses. I sometimes wonder why I even bother putting a response up. I think if someone has taken the time to respond then common courtesy dictates at least a blanket response to acknowledge the comment (or comments) are being read.

Good, glad I got you covered!! Oh yes, that's high up there on the list!

I know I haven't been around much lately but at least I respond to those who leave me comments.

I know Mark, good on you! Nice to see you!

On the other hand, I hate when I feel like I killed a thread. Everyone else wrote and were responded to and there I am at the end at it's dead. poor me. ha ha. I really just try to not get too worked up about the little things but I'll admit that there are times I've gotten aggravated.

Welcome to the club! I've been late to one or two and then I'm left hanging!

I try to go back to my threads to see if anyone's made a comment, which has been happening lately and that's good because they find what I'm writing interesting. So I make a point to go back at least two weeks quite often. Thank you readers!
on Oct 10, 2006
One of my pet peeves is the multiple posts by a single blogger. This seems to be happening more and more. Somebody will take the time to write and it will get buried by a blogger who logs on and posts 4, 5 or more entires. I guess I am still not used to the new forums. I am trying to get used to it, but I don't know.

On the flip side, I guess it depends on the contents of the many entries. I know hypocritical, but this is my peeve. Thanks for letting me vent.
on Oct 10, 2006
One of my pet peeves is the multiple posts by a single blogger. This seems to be happening more and more. Somebody will take the time to write and it will get buried by a blogger who logs on and posts 4, 5 or more entires. I guess I am still not used to the new forums. I am trying to get used to it, but I don't know.

I understand. I've posted three or four in a day before, sorry!! But yes, I do see that happening and that's a bit crazy at times.

On the flip side, I guess it depends on the contents of the many entries. I know hypocritical, but this is my peeve. Thanks for letting me vent.

That's true, content is so important. Hey, anytime Kelly. I've been looking forward to your next writing girl!!
on Oct 10, 2006
No Comment heheheheh!  

*ducks and misses the clout about the head - runs out the room!*   
on Oct 10, 2006
I know I haven't been around much lately but at least I respond to those who leave me comments.

I'm horrible for acknowledging a response, but I do like recieving them. Point taken, and noted. Will resolve to make ammends.
on Oct 11, 2006
No Comment heheheheh! *ducks and misses the clout about the head - runs out the room!*

! I'll let you get away this time!!

I'm horrible for acknowledging a response, but I do like recieving them. Point taken, and noted. Will resolve to make ammends.

Haha, no, like I said, I"ve gotten used to my fav bloggers style. Don't change because of what I"ve said!! But hey, you've been doing that lately (responding), no fuss!