Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Don't it make my brown eyes blue....
Published on October 10, 2006 By foreverserenity In Life Journals
Deja vu, could you be the dream that I once knew, is it you? Dionne Warwick

It's been a day of deja vu for me. I could tell what would happen next and it was a bit weird. I almost thought I would go to bed and wake up again doing the same thing all over again, like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.

It's weird when there are days like this [Ha! That made me think of that song "my momma said there would be days like this"]


I'm tired right now. It's been a long tiresome day at work. In fact lately it's been pretty hectic at work. I've even been bringing work home. I've spent a couple of hours working late last week. I didn't have to but I'm a concientious person so I did. And yes, I will get paid for it, but I've opted for comp time, much better to have extra time for the family when it's needed! A win-win situation.

I had plan to come home and just lie in bed all evening but that didn't happen. Aw well....


I've not been feeling top form lately. I'm not ill, it's just a combination of issues that gets me this way sometimes. It doesn't show in my writing or at work because that's the only thing that keeps me distracted.

I think I"m doing too much right now. I'm usually great at multi tasking but I'm feeling overwhelmed for many a reasons. I can't go into them because I would bore you. I'll be my old self again, just right now I'm a bit contemplative.

Is it possible for your taste in music to change, when you're my age? Then again, it's not that my taste has changed that much, I've always loved a variety of music genre. I've just been listening more to 101.1 rock a lot more lately. It's always weird to see the look on people's face when I pull up at the light. [chuckles] yeah, weird.

Sorry, I'm just not in a box.


I"m just restless I guess. Being restless is not what I am. Time for analysis, but I've been too distracted lately sometimes deliberately so.


I'm kaput and can't go on so I'm ending here.

on Oct 10, 2006

Strange that you would quote my Favorite Dionne Warwick song right after I finished responding on dynamaso's blog about music.  Now I have to go back and change my answer!

Hope you slept well.  What kind of music does 101.1 play?

on Oct 10, 2006
Strange that you would quote my Favorite Dionne Warwick song right after I finished responding on dynamaso's blog about music. Now I have to go back and change my answer!

It's a nice song that brings you back doesn't it?!

Hope you slept well.

I did, but I dreamt a lot.

What kind of music does 101.1 play?

Rock. Sometimes, soft sometimes not. Plus the dialogue is pretty funny!
on Oct 10, 2006
Im not familiar with the Dionne Warwick version, but I like the Crosby Stills Nash and Young version of Deja Vu
on Oct 10, 2006

but I like the Crosby Stills Nash and Young version of Deja Vu

Boooo!  Booooo!  Heretic!

on Oct 10, 2006

on Oct 10, 2006
Deja vu, could you be the dream that I once knew, is it you? Dionne Warwick

I was thinkin' more on the lines of Alice Cooper...   

WWW Link

But I wish I could know what was gonna happen next 'cause I'd be buyin' me some lotto tickets!!
on Oct 10, 2006
Im not familiar with the Dionne Warwick version, but I like the Crosby Stills Nash and Young version of Deja Vu

I think Burt Bacharac may have written it for her too. He wrote a lot of her songs back in the day. And I know of Crosby Stills and Nash, but they weren't on my playlist so we're in the same boat!!

but I like the Crosby Stills Nash and Young version of Deja Vu Boooo! Booooo! Heretic!

You know more than me Doc! : )

Reply By: MasonM

M I love it! As a comic fan I say Wow, I'm impressed! ! Very comedic too!

Deja vu, could you be the dream that I once knew, is it you? Dionne WarwickI was thinkin' more on the lines of Alice Cooper...

Ha Joe, thanks for the link!

But I wish I could know what was gonna happen next 'cause I'd be buyin' me some lotto tickets!!

You're going to think this is weird but my dreams did involve a lotto ticket! Seriously, I just don't remember the numbers though! Darn it!

on Oct 12, 2006
Didn't you write a similar article and I gave a similar answer before? Or am I just experiencing deja vu?
on Oct 12, 2006
Didn't you write a similar article and I gave a similar answer before? Or am I just experiencing deja vu?

Hehe, I guess it's deja vu to you too!!