I’ve just seen the oddest looking toupee` that was not ‘seen on television’ rather, in real life. It’s quite obvious that it is one, because it’s sitting kind of gingerly on the man’s head!
Do you want to know what the worse thing of all is? His toupee` has a comb over! Yes, it sits on his head, rather gingerly, as if to say, ‘Man get me off of here!’ And then there’s the side part with a comb over.
I know it’s difficult when you lose your hair. It makes you feel as if you’re really old, especially when you’re young at heart this can be difficult to handle. However, doesn’t wearing a toupee1 make it harder?
For one thing from what I’ve seen of most toupees` they’re always weird looking. They never completely match the wearer’s hair, both in texture and in color. So why bother?
I’ve worn hair extensions before, mostly for a different look or style, not because I’m losing my hair and making sure that the hair matches your own is key to a better look.
I don’t mind seeing men who have hair replacement. Seriously, (don’t laugh you with the full head of hair!) if doing that will make an individual feel better about himself, then I say go for it. At least then you have the gradual process that re-growth does, and not the ‘mop’ on the head.
Most people have experienced what it is like to have a bad hair day. It can be the worse of times and it can also mean you being considered for the ‘what was she/he thinking’ worse dress list! The latter I made up! LOL!
I really like to see men with bald head. Especially when he really has confidence in himself. There’s something charismatic about a man who knows how to ‘carry’ himself.
So guys, if you are going to wear a toupee` make sure you get one that suits you.