Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Student killed at school
Published on October 20, 2006 By foreverserenity In Current Events

What happened today is a little too close to home for comfort. We’re still in shock and unable to get over it. A 15 year old student was killed by another student today at my daughter’s high school.

It’s hard to describe the feeling that’s been coursing through me since we found out. My hubby got a call to come right away to pick her up because someone got hurt at school. Little did we know the story, and what unfolded sends chills up and down my spine whenever I think about it.

My hubby doesn’t get upset very easily, but he was obviously upset over this. We’re just glad it wasn’t a wild random action against everyone. I’m glad she and her friends are safe.

I weep for the child who died, the child who killed him, and the parents of both. Everyone’s lives will be forever changed by this action.

Our children are in trouble, what can be done to fix this problem? I wish I had the answers to that question. For now all we can do is pray and hope for the best each time you send them out the door.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 20, 2006

School District spokesman Dylan Thomas said there were assistant principals, teachers and other adults monitoring the bus loop when the fight erupted.

Students interviewed said classmates in the crowd tried to save Michael by carrying him toward the closest building.

I think someone is lying, and it is not the students.

on Oct 20, 2006
The scariest thing is what the stabbing was over.
on Oct 20, 2006

Forever I am so sorry to hear this happen so close to you.  I hope your daughter is ok.

Something occured to me.....lock down in this case locked the kids in with a killer....scary stuff.

on Oct 20, 2006
Oh man, FS...I'm so sorry to hear about this. Your family and your community will be in my thoughts and prayers.
on Oct 20, 2006
I feel for you but I certainly will not be weeping for a 15 year old crazy enough to stab and kill another child.
on Oct 20, 2006
School District spokesman Dylan Thomas said there were assistant principals, teachers and other adults monitoring the bus loop when the fight erupted.Students interviewed said classmates in the crowd tried to save Michael by carrying him toward the closest building.I think someone is lying, and it is not the students.

We are still wondering about this too.

The scariest thing is what the stabbing was over.

Yes, a girl. So stupid. I just can't get over how he did it. It was pre-meditated, his actions says that.

Forever I am so sorry to hear this happen so close to you. I hope your daughter is ok.

Thank you Tonya. She's fine. She's handling it ok so far. I'll be keeping an eye out to make sure there's no risidual effects. She knew both students and so did her friends.

Something occured to me.....lock down in this case locked the kids in with a killer....scary stuff.

Yes, I know. To think just the other day Loca was talking about what happened at her child's school.

Oh man, FS...I'm so sorry to hear about this. Your family and your community will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Thanks WM, I appreciate that. We're still trying to come to terms with it.

I feel for you


but I certainly will not be weeping for a 15 year old crazy enough to stab and kill another child.

I understand why you wouldn't. But look at it from the point of view of the parents of the child, who actually is 17, the boy he killed was 15. I wouldn't want to be experiencing what they do right now.
on Oct 20, 2006
Oh my gosh, I am so sorry this happened. I will keep your family and your daughter's friends and classmates in my thougths and prayers. This is horrible, and I just hope your daughter can cope with such a tragedy happening at her school.
on Oct 20, 2006
I will keep your family and your daughter's friends and classmates in my thougths and prayers

Thanks Jenny, I appreciate that!
on Oct 20, 2006
Yes, that is too close for comfort, FS! A sad tragedy that never should have happened, not the community has to work through the healing of wounds inflicted on them for no reason.

I also think that it's pathetic that the school administrators and the sherrif to blame the pocket knife, and the state legislators. Do we really have "leaders" and "law enforcment" who think that a person who would stab another over a girl gave a flying fig about whether it was legal to carry a common pocket knife or not?

Adversity reveals us for who we truly are... the only good that may come out of this sad episode is, your community gets to get a real look at who people really are.
on Oct 20, 2006
Oh Forever I'm sorry this happened to your school. It always seems to be so far away until it hits right in our backyards like this. We never imagine this would happen at our school, but now we have to think like that. It's so sad and frightening that we now have to think this way.

We had a kid bring a gun to school two years ago, but he never got past the parking lot. It never made the news. Most don't know about it. I can only imagine how many times a shooting has been averted unbenounced to us.

We had two kids newly graduated that committed suicide here. They had a suicide pact. They died exactly a year apart. I also met two parents that had their three kids commit suicide. They also had a pact. Not from around here, but still was a shock to hear that.

It's so sad to see the young give up their lives like this either by taking their own or the life of another.

on Oct 20, 2006
It is a tragedy. Two things leap immediately to mind reading that article.

The idiot sheriff immediately sets in on video games:

"We talk all the time but nobody listens to us about violent video games where they're stabbing and shooting each other," Beary said. "We're living in a culture of violence."

That right there should cause the sheriff to be removed from office. Period. It shows he has no concept of reality whatsoever and is passing the buck to an imaginary scapegoat. In a time of mourning and horror for a community, he's spouting such a moronic "I told you so". I think canning such people makes for safer communities.

I seem to remember a play about kids killing one another in gang related situations and over love. Shakespeare I think wrote it. Amazing that video games were causing so much trouble back then.

"School killings have jumped because national interest in violence prevention has waned, Trump said. School safety funding cuts since 9-11 have reached a point where a typical fast-food restaurant has tougher safety procedures than most schools, he said."

There you have people immediately politicizing tragedy. It's an idiotic statement that fast food restaurants have "tougher procedures" when every school I know of around here has ring-in entries and draconian security standards. If I were a parent there it would make me sick that someone would so quickly try to make a political point about a tragedy.

They scream about more metal detectors and video games when the people we PAY to watch over our kids weren't there when one is stabbed. The kid interviewed said there was no one there. A medal detector won't stop someone from strangling another kid, or stabbing them with glass or a pencil.

Decent educators and administrators would.

I'm sorry about ranting, but this whole story makes me mad. A kid is dead, friggin dead, and the damned fekking news item reads like some ignorant pundit's blog. How dare there make these points instead of really caring?
on Oct 22, 2006
I also think that it's pathetic that the school administrators and the sherrif to blame the pocket knife, and the state legislators. Do we really have "leaders" and "law enforcment" who think that a person who would stab another over a girl gave a flying fig about whether it was legal to carry a common pocket knife or not?

I agree with you on this Ted. It was bigger than a pocket knife though, it was a 3 inch blade with a serated (sp?) edge. It definately did a lot of damage.

More truth is coming out as the story unfolds though, it wasn't just over a girl. My daughter said that a news reporter when speaking to one of the teachers made the remark "so we heard it was over a girl" not really a question either. It wasn't over a girl. The boy who killed the other one had problems. He dressed and acted like a thug according to the other students and always said things. There was no fight in the lunch room, there was a fight at the bus loop when someone threw the first punch.

Kids are just too agressive these days. They don't give each other a chance to explain anything. One heard rumors being said about the other, then the dispute begins.

However, do you see how bad the news reporters can be, they don't report facts, they throw something in to sensationalize and run with it and that's terrible!

That right there should cause the sheriff to be removed from office. Period. It shows he has no concept of reality whatsoever and is passing the buck to an imaginary scapegoat. In a time of mourning and horror for a community, he's spouting such a moronic "I told you so". I think canning such people makes for safer communities.

I know Baker, and they're running with it! It's amazing but this is how they are! They don't ever think of solution, only blame.

It always seems to be so far away until it hits right in our backyards like this.

I know KFC, it's always shocking to one's system, so surreal or unreal might be the right word.

We had two kids newly graduated that committed suicide here. They had a suicide pact. They died exactly a year apart. I also met two parents that had their three kids commit suicide. They also had a pact. Not from around here, but still was a shock to hear that.

Oh no, that's horrible. It is never easy for the parents when this happens. Its hard for the friends who have been left behind to understand.

It's so sad to see the young give up their lives like this either by taking their own or the life of another.

Adversity reveals us for who we truly are... the only good that may come out of this sad episode is, your community gets to get a real look at who people really are.

You're both right on this Ted and KFC. Violence is never the answer I wish our young people would learn to understand this. The kids are still learning to deal with this tragedy. They've been doing a lot of writing and communicating on MySpace and other medium, their way of processing it.

We allow our daughter to talk about it and listen to her whenever she just comes up and start talking about it.

There you have people immediately politicizing tragedy. It's an idiotic statement that fast food restaurants have "tougher procedures" when every school I know of around here has ring-in entries and draconian security standards. If I were a parent there it would make me sick that someone would so quickly try to make a political point about

Agreed Baker!

They scream about more metal detectors and video games when the people we PAY to watch over our kids weren't there when one is stabbed. The kid interviewed said there was no one there. A medal detector won't stop someone from strangling another kid, or stabbing them with glass or a pencil.

No one can still give an explanation to this fact. YOu know what now, the day after the school was overloaded with cops, private security and television reporters, it was ridiculous! It is sad that only after a tragedy does anything ever get done. Now cars are being checked etc. It's sad.

Decent educators and administrators would.

I think somehow they get complacent and not proactive in realising that these things can happen. The minute that there is some type of disagreement they should let the studenst know to seek out an adult, to go to the counsellor at the school or something. They should have established a kind of buddy system as in when it is seem a friend is in trouble, let someone know, whether it's the parent, the principal a fav teacher they feel comfortable talking to. I'm going to write a letter to the principal and suggest this to him. Too many times we get comfortable and sometimes too buys and not notice that our children could be hurting. Everyone is not perfect, but letting the kids know that there is an option for them, may stop something else like this to happen. I hope it never happens again.

I'm sorry about ranting, but this whole story makes me mad. A kid is dead, friggin dead, and the damned fekking news item reads like some ignorant pundit's blog. How dare there make these points instead of really caring?

Rant away. I"m mad as hell too. All my hubby kept thinking and saying to me is what if this student had a gun? What if he had something else that could have done more harm to others? I don't even want to think about it. But it's reality and that's sad.
on Oct 23, 2006
I too am sorry to hear about this. I do hope your daughter is alright.

I seem to remember a play about kids killing one another in gang related situations and over love. Shakespeare I think wrote it. Amazing that video games were causing so much trouble back then.

While the idiot sheriff is at it, shouldn't he be calling for bans of West Side Story, Rumblefish and The Outsiders as well. I am over these sort of knee-jerk reactions too. I've been watching, reading, listening and playing games for years that could be misconstrued as violent. I've never, ever felt the urge to shoot, stab or beat up anyone else.

on Oct 23, 2006
While the idiot sheriff is at it, shouldn't he be calling for bans of West Side Story, Rumblefish and The Outsiders

AHA! Dyna, you have hit on the true cause! The Plex premium stations have been running West Side Story for the past several months! Now we know where the source for all these killings have come from!
on Oct 23, 2006
I too am sorry to hear about this. I do hope your daughter is alright.

Thx Mark, she's doing alright.

While the idiot sheriff is at it, shouldn't he be calling for bans of West Side Story, Rumblefish and The Outsiders as well. I am over these sort of knee-jerk reactions too. I've been watching, reading, listening and playing games for years that could be misconstrued as violent. I've never, ever felt the urge to shoot, stab or beat up anyone else.

I know, when they say things like this it just makes the matter worse because video games are not the cause of this boy's actions.

Plex premium stations have been running West Side Story for the past several months! Now we know where the source for all these killings have come from!

Doc, although some programs can be seen as influential you know how it goes. Some people, like the Sheriff will blame every other medium except the WHOM - parents, teachers... he's really supposed to have everyone focus on. I think in this case it's more a matter of election time and "here-I am-see-what-I'm-doing case. Although heaven knows, I don't think he's up for re-election this year. He won again recently so he has a nother two or so years til his reign ends. But whoknows with people in political offices?!

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