Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Published on November 11, 2006 By foreverserenity In Health & Medicine
I can't tell you how many times I'm up late because of one reason or another. Most times it's because it's the only time I do get to myself to really unwind and catch up on a few things I need to catch up on. There's peace and quite, or at least the lull of snores throughout my home! After awhile though I'm kaput and it's time for me to catch some Zzzzs.

I will admit that I'm a night owl, thus I usually don't go to bed too early. I also am not a morning person, unless I have to be, it takes me until my shower to get me going! After a shower I'm "bright eyed and bushy taled" and ready to face the world!

I know we need to get enough rest in order for us to function at top level daily. I tell my kids that all the time. When I do get them to go to bed earlier than they do sometimes. However, when it comes to school night they know mommy doesn't play around. They have to get 8-9 hours of sleep. There are times when they get only 7 hours and thus wakes up tired, especially my oldest daughter who sometimes get only six hours.

For me, as long as I get four hours sleep I"m ok. Of course I need more rest but since child birth I've learned to survive on a lot less sleep time, and that's the truth! If I ever get less than four hours sleep I would be climbing the walls by 3pm at work! So, even the little four I'm used to, I've got to have them.

Oh yes, sleep is very important. Otherwise writing something that makes sense, especially at times like this, well, stuff just desn't seem to compute, spelling errors happen and a person can fall alseep while typing! [i'm surprise i didn't make a spelling error as I'm walking on my eyelash at the moment!]"

on Nov 11, 2006
Oh I do see the spelling errors!!
on Nov 11, 2006
I get roughly 3-5 hours of sleep on weeknights...on the weekend I get roughly 12 hours a day...2AM to 2PM in most varies a bit, though.

Surprisingly, after my 8AM class I'm usually awake, even if it was only 3 hours or so....I may not be thrilled about life...but I'm awake.

on Nov 11, 2006
5-6 on average, when not on call.
on Nov 11, 2006
I get roughly 3-5 hours of sleep on weeknights...on the weekend I get roughly 12 hours a day...2AM to 2PM in most varies a bit, though

I can't even sleep in on weekends. My oldest has a part time job and she works a couple of hours on the weekends and either me or her dad takes her in the morning by 8am. This morning I was able to sleep until 8am because he drove her. So I got 6 hours sleep today!

I may not be thrilled about life...but I'm awake.

I know the feeling!!

5-6 on average, when not on call.

Ouch, for you I know that's not easy.
on Nov 11, 2006
4 will do me.  But if I do too many 4s, I hit a wall and will do a 10.  I dont think I could do a 12.
on Nov 11, 2006
6 to 8 hours a night. 6 is my average but once in a while I like to sleep in.
on Nov 11, 2006
About 6-7 for me.

No matter what time I hit the rack, it seems I'm up around 5am though.

When I'm working, I rise about 4am and settle in around 9.30pm.
on Nov 12, 2006
4 1/2 to 5 hours average on weekdays...and that's not good for my health.

I really can't function 100 percent on so few hours. Exercise has helped...and quick naps as well when I'm able to take them. However, I am aiming for improving to at least six.

Of course on weekends, I make it a point to sleep in for at least a few extra hours.
on Nov 12, 2006
I really can't function 100 percent on so few hours. Exercise has helped...and quick naps as well when I'm able to take them. However, I am aiming for improving to at least six.

4 will do me. But if I do too many 4s, I hit a wall and will do a 10. I dont think I could do a 12.

Aha another 4! LOL! I couldn't do 12 either.

6 to 8 hours a night

Good for you M! And with being on the road must not make sleeping in too easy too.

When I'm working, I rise about 4am and settle in around 9.30pm.

If I ever hit the bed at 9:30pm it's because I'm sick! 11pm is the earliest I've ever turned in!

I really can't function 100 percent on so few hours. Exercise has helped...and quick naps as well when I'm able to take them. However, I am aiming for improving to at least six.

That's true, exercise does help a lot with me feeling less tired and sleeping more peacefully. Aw six, I can dream of six. I get that sometimes on the weekend. Or if it's a holiday and I have no plans or company, I deliberately stay in bed for as long as I can!
on Nov 16, 2006
I dont think I could do a 12.

My record is a a cat. I was totally exhausted from all that sleep, though. LOL
