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Road to Wellness and Serenity
Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Are You Raising a Serial Killer?
Published on November 15, 2006 By
I must say when I saw the title of the article “Avoid raising a Serial Killer” I laughed! I thought that would be a weird way of thinking for any parent! But then I read the article and I realize that Mike Zimmerman, the author, was really making sense.
Can you imagine that some parents might actually have to go through this and would think this way? I wouldn’t blame them either because what Mr. Zimmerman describes can be so innocent that you wouldn’t even think of associating that in your child becoming a serial killer!
It makes you wonder if the parents of some of those known serial killers like Jeffrey Dorma (spelling?) ever experienced this with them? I shudder to think he (Jeffrey) ever displayed any of this and if the parents saw it, they never questioned it. I’m not placing blame on his parents of course, not at all, but it just makes me wonder. Mr. Zimmerman explains what to do or how not to react when your child does something disturbing!
Here’s the article:
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Comments (Page 3)
3 Pages
on Nov 17, 2006
however having a mental illness does tend to run in families, which is part of being a serial killer.
Which technically is genetic. Just like other hereditary diseases, some are carriers, some display it...but there are other genes that can suppress or activate "serial killer genes"...now this is just with my understanding of genetics. I know there hasn't been any specific genes isolated for serial killers, but I believe in the possiblity. This is more psychological and perhaps abuse "activates" this serial killer gene if it exists...or at least encourages those traits to become dominant.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that some people are prone to developing into a serial killer and others are naturally buffered against this behavior. The reason why I include genetics is because they are what we are...our primal urges, our appearance, all our basic attributes are genetic. Our upbringing helps us develop these traits in different ways and our minds can expand our personality onto new levels. That explains the nurture part, which can encourage negative behavior. At our core, though, we're just the product of two spirally bits of molecules.
Also, I really hate studying genetics, by the way...it is so God awful boring...
on Nov 17, 2006
Also, I really hate studying genetics, by the way...it is so God awful boring...
Hey now that's cool! and you are right on about the nuturing part as well.
I don't know if there is a genetic trait, other than mental illness running in families, just going on what those two doctors told me.
Yep, genetics is what we are....
I wonder if Dahmer would have killed if he hadn't started drinking? Drinking sure does lower one's inhibitions...could he have done those things without the alcohol abuse? I imagine other killers do.
You wrote a great reply btw! loved it.
on Nov 17, 2006
I read somewhere that ours is the only country that blames the parents when kids, that have had a good upbringing, turnout bad.
Really? I wonder why most people do that though?
I think most people do that because we don't always have an answer for everything, sometimes there just isn't an answer and it bothers us so we have to point a finger at
I'm not sure where I read that about our country being the only one that blames parents regardless of what they did or didn't do.
It's been a few years for sure since I read that.
I think also it's part of our culture, being accountable for our children, and I wonder at what age, what point do we have to still be responsible for an adult child's life and their actions? If we've done all we can, and have a clear conscience that we're not able to do anything else, then are we still responsible for that person?
I can give you a real specific example. The same month I had my first heart attack, my daughter attempted suicide. I had only been home from the hospital, ( in the twin cities) and a doctor from Wi. called me, down at Madison, and wanted me to come and sign papers so he could keep her for at least 3 months ( if I remember correctly the amount of time he wanted) and I had strict orders to not drive, or do anything more than walk around my home. He was incensed that I wouldn't drive down there, he couldn't seem to get it through his head that I had just come home and wasn't allowed to do much.
I really wanted to go down there, and called my cardiologist, and he said no way. So the doctor down at Madison was furious with me.....like I needed that. It was bad enough knowing my daughter was in that awful place ( meaning depression) that she wanted to throw her life away.
on Nov 17, 2006
Hey now that's cool!
You study genetics for like 2 years total and get back to me.
You wrote a great reply btw! loved it.
I try, and when dealing with sciences I am usually quite thorough, goes with the territory.
on Nov 17, 2006
try, and when dealing with sciences I am usually quite thorough, goes with the territory
Two thumbs up on that!
on Nov 17, 2006
Basically what I'm trying to say is that some people are prone to developing into a serial killer and others are naturally buffered against this behavior. The reason why I include genetics is because they are what we are...our primal urges, our appearance, all our basic attributes are genetic. Our upbringing helps us develop these traits in different ways and our minds can expand our personality onto new levels. That explains the nurture part, which can encourage negative behavior. At our core, though, we're just the product of two spirally bits of molecules.
Great information Shaun!
I think most people do that because we don't always have an answer for everything, sometimes there just isn't an answer and it bothers us so we have to point a finger at someone.
Good point Trudy. I think parents just feel helpless when they can't do anything for their children, to help them.
try, and when dealing with sciences I am usually quite thorough, goes with the territoryTwo thumbs up on that!
He's so efficient our Dr. Shaun! (soon to be!)
on Nov 18, 2006
He's so efficient our Dr. Shaun! (soon to be!)
Doc?...Not yet...not for awhile and that's if I decide to go all the way to a Ph. D...I'm considering it, certainly. However, I'll focus on Bachelor's first...one step at a time.
It's just my first year.
on Nov 19, 2006
However, I'll focus on Bachelor's first...one step at a time. It's just my first year.
As you should Shaun! You're just so thorough on some subjects!
Gilford Tuttle
on Feb 22, 2007
the eagle turned on Saddam and Attacked
Saddam was one of our warriors way back
we crowned him a prince
he fucked up and we fucked up
hell everybody was fucking up
it was war & shit never goes the way anyone really wants
son went all mad dog in the end
when we decided
to use the kurds
to take him down
for security purposes
went to war
saddam's head was so dangerous
the executioner ripped it right off
the crowds screamed and cried
tried to drive his mighty spirit away from the gallows
rightly so trembling in fear
at the horror of his coming wrath
His spirit surprised everyone & no one
with a wave and a tear
he forgave them their place in history
as great men do
great men
sorry old soldier left hungry alone in your fox hole
wish i could have told you
we are praying
for you
to all enemies we sing: our hearts are still open
our minds are still free
we were not effected
by they great they's
enchantment spells
we too are sickened
rotting diseased cloak of these lies
we are coming for you
i am
a man of my word
the word
your word
our word
forgive us
We just didn't make it in time saddam
this stoic crusader was still marching silently
through the carnage
seeking rank on missions top secret
waging war from under deep cover
pretending always to go along
for the order
to come down
you know how that is
we all salute you
on Feb 23, 2007
Good grief, I'm just seeing this! Tuttle for God's sake go heal yourself!
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