Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Blood works results
Published on December 2, 2006 By foreverserenity In Health & Medicine

I did the required blood work on Monday. It seemed so long ago that I went for my physical but it was two or three weeks prior to that.

I got the call from my doctor that everything was ok! I was glad to hear that the fear I had about being diabetic was for naught. Just because my dad had it doesn’t mean I have to as long as I take good care of myself. My thyroid is fine which good news it is to hear too. At my age you hope to hear that your body is not as bad as you think it is!

She did say one thing though, that I’m slightly anemic. So I need to go take a multi vitamin with extra iron. I wanted to find out what my cholesterol was but the results for that was not given so they will request that the lab give that information and call me back.

Slightly Anemic, what does that mean? I didn’t have time to look up the information or even to ask in detail. I guess it means that my blood is weak or something? Or is that my red blood cells or white blood cells, something? I remember my friend was Anemic and had to take iron tablets.

I have the sickle cell trait which has never bothered me at all. I’ll have to find out if that has anything to do with being slightly anemic.

I was taking multivitamins before, when it ran out I didn’t bother to get anymore. I just made sure the kids had theirs since they were such picky eaters. Mommy has to remember to take care of herself!

on Dec 02, 2006
As far as I can remember, anemia is a condition where the blood lacks red blood cells. Hemoglobin and red blood cells work in tandem to deliver oxygen throughout the body.

As I understand it, our blood is red, because thats the color iron oxidizes. Iron is essential as iron when it oxidizes binds with oxygen and it transported to the tissues of the body via the bloodstream.

I'm certain others will have a better explanation, but this is all I really know on the subject.

I do know however, that if you simply eat a couple of hamburgs a week, chances are you will raise the level of iron in your body; or any red meat for that matter.

Either way, go ahead and get the vitamins or eat the red meat and handle the situation. Then you can stop worrying
on Dec 02, 2006
I do know however, that if you simply eat a couple of hamburgs a week, chances are you will raise the level of iron in your body; or any red meat for that matter.

I don't eat hamburgers, barely, I usually get the fish or chicken if I do eat fast food. But we do have mince meat, what do they call it hear, ground meat, (sometimes forget that!) ever so often. I'm planning to cook that today, although I was going to have that three bean soup Whip told me about. Maybe I'll do both!

Thx for the advice I'll have to make sure I control that. My mom always said for me to eat liver, which is the best red meat to have and I haven't had that in a long while.
on Dec 02, 2006
Oooh, you have a cold or something minor like that? Little known fact that if you're sick your body withholds iron because bacteria do better with iron around. It's another of immune system's little tricks to defeat the pathogen menace. So...don't take iron supplements when you have a cold, otherwise it'll drag it out a bit longer.

If that's not the case, then chomp on a steak or something and you'll be fine. The sickle cell trait might contribute...seeing as how it's deemed sickle cell anemia...or at least it used to be according to my memory.

Yeah, that first part I learned in my zoo is already paying off.

on Dec 03, 2006
So...don't take iron supplements when you have a cold, otherwise it'll drag it out a bit longer.

I've never heard that, thanks Shaun! But no, I don't have a cold.

If that's not the case, then chomp on a steak or something and you'll be fine.

Yes, more red meat is in order!

seeing as how it's deemed sickle cell anemia...or at least it used to be according to my memory

Right again!

Yeah, that first part I learned in my zoo is already paying off.
