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and they beg, and beg, and beg - American Idol
Published on January 24, 2007 By foreverserenity In Entertainment
I've been watching American Idol auditions since last week and man I'm telling you, it's a riot! I know Jamie Burnside Link blogs about the show every season. Not to steal your thunder Jamie, but there's one thing I notice this season that I had to blog about.

Yes, the judges Simon, Paula and Randy have found some good singers who seem promising. But the one thing that's more pervasive than ever this season is the begging!

They beg, they plead, they ask to sing one more song, to be given one more chance, and they never pull it off. Simply because they just can't sing!

I like singing. In fact I use to be on a choir, a long, long time ago. But that horse is out to pasture because I never kept up with it, and my voice wasn't really a powerhouse as say, Fantasia or Kelly Clarkson. Now I sing in the shower, but I would never go audition because I know I can't sing.

These people go on television and they make fools of themselves. I can't believe that they have never seen the show, never seen or heard about what happens to people who go there to audition and can't sing. That they literally beg, plead, cry and then when they don't get their way, they curse and literally threaten the judges.

Come on people! Obviously fame and fortune is a big thing. They want to be in the magazine, wear the bling, drive the fancy car, have the big house and be the topic of everyone's conversation.

I can't say I blame them for wanting to be it all and have the fame and fortune. However, when do they realise that they are making a fool of themselves? When do they realise it's time to give up that dream because they just can't cut it?

I thought one of the ladies was going to offer to sleep with Simon at one point tonight!

I guess they forget that they are on television and that they have to go back to their reality.

It's sad to see though. Man oh man, I feel sorry for them. Their bubble has been burst and facing that reality is the hardest, the reality of lost dreams.

It's hard tryng to get to that road, down easy street in trying to be the next American Idol.

on Jan 24, 2007
I can sing well once in awhile...not that good, but I know people who are worse...mainly the people on American Idol (Which I don't watch...but I see the occasional preview or recap) I know my limits...and I'm not keen on embarrassing myself in front of...well, the nation. Not sure why other people can't figure out how much they suck...and begging is just sad for the most part...oh well, not my problem.

on Jan 25, 2007
The local morning show plays excerpts of the shows each morning, and the one thing I have noticed is that very very few of them can sing!  Ouch!  It is painful to listen to.
on Jan 25, 2007
and I'm not keen on embarrassing myself in front of...well, the nation. Not sure why other people can't figure out how much they suck...and begging is just sad for the most part...oh well, not my problem.

I know! I don't know what these people are thinking!

The local morning show plays excerpts of the shows each morning, and the one thing I have noticed is that very very few of them can sing! Ouch! It is painful to listen to.

They definitely love to show the blunders of these people! That makes for good ratings!