The blaze burned slowly, its flames seemed to be dying
only a moment ago it was a roaring fire
stoked and tendered
with loving hands
taking turns, adding a log, a bush, a kindling,
here and there, as it crackled with excitement
you could feel the warmth as it blazed
with love and cheerfulness
the flames glowed invitingly
Everyone gathered around feeling the cheerfulness,
and the warmth as it glowed feircely
with pride, it felt good to see the bright flames
beckoning to each other, never forgotten
that specialness, that warmth, that blazed ontowards
Somehow the flame is dying
perhaps from want, lonliness,
one minute a crackle, but
alas no more
the strokes gone
it ebbs
Seeking paper to strengthen its flame
licking the kindling
like a tongue flicking at an ice cream cone
hungrily, oh no
it fell, gone just like that
nothing, just an empty shell
the fire dies, a natural death
too tired to continue burning of its own accord
without stoking, tendering,
[All rights reserved by Donna aka ForeverSerenity]