Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
the times I hate the most
Published on March 16, 2007 By foreverserenity In Health & Medicine
The sound of the machine that gives my son his medication

the nebulizer

It might help him to breathe more easily, it might help to open his lungs after a treatment

but it is the sound I hate the most because it reminds me of how unwell he is


I hate the coughing that comes, that brings on the asthma

the weird look in his eyes tells me how sick he's going to be and then I worry

it's been happening on and off for the last three weeks

today to the doctor again because he got worse and his eyes got even larger than usual

he didn't seem like himself

and neither did I

If I could have one wish in the world, it would be that this sickness would leave his body

I could open his chest and pluck it out, scrape the festering pollution from his lungs

Or I could do mouth to mouth and inhale the disease into my mouth and spit it into the toilet and flush it away forever!

His life has been filled with medications, one after the other, try this one, try that one....I'm so sick of it

the pulmonologist didn't help

now it's time to try the allergist

hopefully we'll find the answers there

LIke an automation I check and I get up and make sure he's still breathing

and I administer that dreaded machine, like a weird alien mask that gives him life

until they find a cure

on Mar 16, 2007

Forever, I am so sorry you have to see your son suffer.

There is a little good news.  As he gets older it should be easier to manage.

Also if its been bad lately then it may very well be tied in with allergies.  I have "athletic asthma."  Meaning I have to use an inhaler before I work out.  But after I moved to Ohio I started having to use it every day.  Turns out allergies really aggravate asthma.  Once I started taking a daily allergy medication, it subsided pretty much.

Spring is a bad time for allergies.  If your little man has a runny nose or eyes, or a productive cough, he probably has them.

You are such a good mom Forever.  Asthma is tuff, but it can be managed once you find his triggers.

Hang in there.


on Mar 16, 2007

Nicely written. 

I suspect my sister feels the same way as you do.

on Mar 16, 2007
Donna, I feel for you very much.

Asthma has occured ALOT in our family...I've seen this type of thing too many times.

Many of my relatives who had severe afflictions of it when they were younger now have it under control pretty well...which I hope will be the case with your boy as he gets older.
on Mar 16, 2007
Reply By: little-whipPosted: Friday, March 16, 2007

Thanks for the ditto on my feelings Whip!

There is a little good news. As he gets older it should be easier to manage.

I'm praying and hoping on this Tonya. Like his father before him and his cousin as well, I hope it will be the same for him. He's had it since 6months of age. The thankful thing is, it has not been as bad when he was younger he was hospitalized a few times. Knock on wood it hasnt gotten to that!

Also if its been bad lately then it may very well be tied in with allergies. I have "athletic asthma." Meaning I have to use an inhaler before I work out. But after I moved to Ohio I started having to use it every day. Turns out allergies really aggravate asthma. Once I started taking a daily allergy medication, it subsided pretty much.Spring is a bad time for allergies. If your little man has a runny nose or eyes, or a productive cough, he probably has them.

Yes, I figured that out two days ago. Because I have allergies, to pollen and mine are ever so bad right now, he's been having the same problems and that has triggered his asthma. Hence the doctor says to the allergist we must go now.

You are such a good mom Forever. Asthma is tuff, but it can be managed once you find his triggers.Hang in there.

Thanks and I hope so too!

Nicely written. I suspect my sister feels the same way as you do.

Thx, I was feeling morose and intense Doc! I can imagine that is how she does feel. NO parent likes to see their child sick and feeling helpless.

Donna, I feel for you very much. Asthma has occured ALOT in our family...I've seen this type of thing too many times.Many of my relatives who had severe afflictions of it when they were younger now have it under control pretty well...which I hope will be the case with your boy as he gets older.

Thanks Rose! I hope we, together with the doctor will have it under control too. Unfortunately I have carpets, which I cant do anything about since I live in an apartment. But we have a humidifier and ionizer and keep the AC going constantly.
on Mar 18, 2007

Poor little guy.

Another thing you might want to check is the filter in your AC for allergy related stuff. Sometimes they get really nasty and have mold spores that then get blown through the room. I had a college roomie who used to work in a bio testing lab that did samples for sick building and she told me that AC ducts were positively scary.

My husband is allergic to mold so we get our AC cleaned at least once a year and only run it in the summer (winter is still hanging on here).

Hope the little guy feels better soon.
on Mar 18, 2007
I'm familiar with that sound on a little one. I hope all is well soon, Donna.
on Mar 19, 2007
Poor little guy.

Hope the little guy feels better soon.

Thx Momijki. He's not so young anymore though, 12 going on13, but he's pretty skinny!!

Another thing you might want to check is the filter in your AC for allergy related stuff. Sometimes they get really nasty and have mold spores that then get blown through the room. I had a college roomie who used to work in a bio testing lab that did samples for sick building and she told me that AC ducts were positively scary.

Yes, we have our AC filter change on a monthly basis. I will look into getting it cleaned.

I'm familiar with that sound on a little one. I hope all is well soon, Donna.

Thx Joe, he's feeling a bit better this morning thank heavens!
on Mar 19, 2007
12 going on 13! Wow. Don't know why I imagined him as being younger.

Your pic didn't show, though.

If you change your filter regularly, I'd guess you folks have no problem. But I'm not an expert.

Hope you're having a good week.
on Mar 21, 2007
12 going on 13! Wow. Don't know why I imagined him as being younger.

He looks younger! But he's stretching now!

Thx, the week is ok so far!