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Road to Wellness and Serenity
Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Chocolate Shortage?
Published on March 21, 2007 By
I came across this article on MSN Money at msn.com, that there will probably be a chocolate shortage:
"A drought in Western Africa and unrest in the Ivory Coast -- the world's biggest cocoa producer -- has combined with rising consumer taste for cocoa-rich dark chocolate to raise concerns about a shortage in supply.
As a result, cocoa futures have been trading at three-year highs, with prices rallying since the beginning of the year.
"In the last few months, cocoa prices have rallied on expectations for a smaller crop from the Ivory Coast and Ghana,"
Now, I can handle the fact that I have to cut my coffee drinking down to one cup a day...I was getting to happy with more than two cups a day...and I still drink tea but coffee was getting the better of me!
I can handle that I have to cut down on my intake of food because I'm on the forever-weight-loss quest (no pun intended on the 'forever') and I want to look better in my old age!
I can handle anything that is thrown at me because I have my chocolate when I need a fix, especially at that time of the month when I become a raging lunatic!
So the possibility of a chocolate shortage is just too intense for my chocoholic brain to fathom...I think I have to start hoarding chocolates now!
Article in full attached here
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Perhaps I'm too Opinionated....
Comments (Page 1)
2 Pages
on Mar 21, 2007
there really is no upper price limit for chocolate for me...
Sugar High Elf
on Mar 21, 2007
For the love of God, NO!!!! This can't be happening! Please tell me you put this up as a joke. Please.
on Mar 21, 2007
there really is no upper price limit for chocolate for me...
Pitifully for me too!
For the love of God, NO!!!! This can't be happening! Please tell me you put this up as a joke. Please. Please?
I'm still reeling from the shock of it SHE! Have those guys really figured out what the women of the world would be like without chocolate? I mean, do they really even want to know......PMS is nothing compared to a woman without her chocolate fix!
Texas Wahine
on Mar 22, 2007
I'm still reeling from the shock of it SHE! Have those guys really figured out what the women of the world would be like without chocolate? I mean, do they really even want to know......PMS is nothing compared to a woman without her chocolate fix!!
I just made a milk chocolate and walnut cake. Yum! I love chocolate, too.
on Mar 22, 2007
I'm weird with chocolate. I don't really like it in anything baked (like cakes, brownies etc.) but I do like a Nestle crunch bar with popcorn at the movies. And did you know a Hershey bar melted in a pot of chili makes it mmm..mmm good?
yeah, I'm weird with chocolate.
Dr Guy
on Mar 22, 2007
Drops off a hershey bar and slowly backs away - counting fingers...........
on Mar 22, 2007
I'm definately going to have to start my emergency chocolate stash.
on Mar 22, 2007
Thanks a lot...getting hungry now. Being a bit diabetic, I have to use the sugar-free kind. Nothing as sure as chocolate to lift the mood! (gustatory poetry in my opinion)
Gideon MacLeish
on Mar 22, 2007
I am going to start a chocolate cartel. I won't even put a markup on it. Why would I do such a thing? I have a wife and four daughters, for crying out loud...the two boys and I need the sanity and security that a Hershey bar can buy!
I'll be off for the Cote d'Ivoire in the morning, FS! I won't let you guys down!
Dr Guy
on Mar 22, 2007
I am going to start a chocolate cartel.
{DG Laughs as he counts his hoard of chocalate waiting for the inevitable price rise)
on Mar 22, 2007
I just made a milk chocolate and walnut cake. Yum! I love chocolate, too.
Oh man...I can't enjoy it....I'll just dream about it! Sounds yummy!
but I do like a Nestle crunch bar with popcorn at the movies. And did you know a Hershey bar melted in a pot of chili makes it mmm..mmm good?
I've tried chocolate with popcorn and it's not bad at all! Chocolate melted in Chilli? That's one Imight be an acquired taste!
Drops off a hershey bar and slowly backs away - counting fingers...........
Chomp!! I almost got your finger there Doc!
I'm definately going to have to start my emergency chocolate stash.
That's what I'm talking about! Have you ever had chocolate covered cashew nuts? OMG...hog heaven!
Being a bit diabetic, I have to use the sugar-free kind. Nothing as sure as chocolate to lift the mood! (gustatory poetry in my opinion)
I think it's great that they make the sugar free ones too! Yeah, nothing like a chocolate fix!
I'll be off for the Cote d'Ivoire in the morning, FS! I won't let you guys down!
Wonderful!!! Be sure to get a variety!
I know what you mean, you will definately need them!lol!
DG Laughs as he counts his hoard of chocalate waiting for the inevitable price rise)
I say we tie Doc up and get his stash!
Good grief, all this chocolate talk has got me crazy!
Dr Guy
on Mar 22, 2007
I say we tie Doc up and get his stash!
I have heard worse things than that!
on Mar 22, 2007
I say we tie Doc up and get his stash!
I have heard worse things than that!
You know what's weird? I have a container of chocolate covered cashew nuts waiting for me to eat it...of course it won't be me alone, the whole family loves it...but I can't eat it yet, there's two more weeks til Good Friday and I can't wait!
on Mar 22, 2007
I am just glad I still have my unopened box of Samoa Cookies...waiting for me after Lent is over.
I WILL find chocolate...some way...somehow...seriously.
on Mar 22, 2007
Chocolate melted in Chilli? That's one Imight be an acquired taste
try it sometime, Donna! just one bar melted in a big pot of chili. it ain't bad!
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