Random thoughts on life's fragility
Human emotion is such a fragile thing, one minute you’re up, the next you’re down.
Love is the best of human emotions. It is sometimes a time for singing and rejoicing;
Yet also a moment of weeping and loss felt deep within one’s soul.
Love’s emotion can be so infinite, wholesome, and deep. Some wish never to experience it. Some wish never to repeat it
Some wish it could last forever!
If you haven’t experience it, I hope you will one day. It is better to have loved than not at all because it shows your vulnerability, your humane side if you will!
To err is human! One can’t always be perfect. If this were a perfect world there would be no war, no crimes committed against each other, no addictions, no jails, no crying, no hunger, no pain, no wants, and no needs. Yes, that would be a perfect world!
Then again, if we lived in a perfect world, we would all probably be bored stiff and do imperfect things so as to make life more tolerable!