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Does it really, really matter if he does win America? I mean I hear stories of how the show will be a farce and how some of you won’t ever watch AI again?

Seriously? Don’t you have anything else to do than to bemoan what is happening?

I’ve even heard that some people are saying that what’s going on is deliberate because of ratings. Well they are getting even more ratings than ever before!

But whose fault is this little debacle really? Wouldn’t that be you America? Yes, YOU America, keep voting to keep Sanjaya on just for the hell of it!

I personally think that he has a good voice and he just hasn’t learned how to present himself and once he does (perhaps when he’s older) he will be a good entertainer, but not right now!

My advice to you is to STOP voting for him and then maybe he’ll get voted off!

So get over the affair with his hair America, who knows, perhaps there will be a doll coming out soon or maybe there will be Sanjaya Mohawks for Halloween!

on Mar 30, 2007
Don't you know every year there is a 'Sanjaya'? A talentless singer who makes people angry and goes further than expected. In fact, last year's 'Sanjaya' ended up winning it all." Rose said a lot of people in there would be mad as hell at me. I told her , isn't that the point?

There sure is! Hahaha, he was wasn't he - Taylor, the winner that is! That would be hysterical you would have a pile of poo pile on top of you!
on Mar 30, 2007
To me, I would find it hilarious if Sanjaya won the whole thing.

I mean I hear stories of how the show will be a farce and how some of you won’t ever watch AI again?

That is why he is still on the show. It's funny how people take it so serious. That is why the website "Vote For The Worst" is pushing for Sanjaya. The same reason Howard Stern is urging all his faithful listeners to vote for Sanjaya. Just to piss everybody off.

You should go on Idol's official website and see the message boards. You'll die laughing. People are taking it way too serious. I told Rose I was going to write a little something in there myself just to make people mad. I was going to say, "Everybody needs to chill out about Sanjaya. Don't you know every year there is a 'Sanjaya'? A talentless singer who makes people angry and goes further than expected. In fact, last year's 'Sanjaya' ended up winning it all." Rose said a lot of people in there would be mad as hell at me. I told her , isn't that the point?
on Mar 30, 2007
Sanjaya won't win. He'll just last a lot longer than he is supposed to.

There's a Sanjaya every year, and there will continue to be one for as long as the show lasts.

Just enjoy the hate!
on Mar 30, 2007
I thik this is one of the few so called reality shows (if not the only) where America actually has a say in the outcome. Here in lies the problem...

Reality shows may not be scripted but they sure are edited a whole bunch. So with Stearn and Dave over at votefortheworst.comLink plugging Sanjaya, we (viewers) finally have a movement that has gained some popularity. This is not the first season votefortheworst has been around.

I hope they keep pushing him on. I stand behind the cause but I was too lazy to vote when I thought the show was 'for real' so why start now.

BTW: I agree the kid has potential. He does have some raw tallent to work with and that is much more than most of the idiots that get to see the show judges face to face.
on Mar 30, 2007
I don't think he will get past the top 5. I feel by then, Sanjaya Mania will settle down, and people will get to really voting for those who deserve it.

The Sanjaya storm will pass...we just gotta be patient.
on Mar 30, 2007
Sanjaya won't win. He'll just last a lot longer than he is supposed to.

True, and true your second sentence as well!

thik this is one of the few so called reality shows (if not the only) where America actually has a say in the outcome. Here in lies the problem...

Some of them try to follow suit (reality shows that is). I think only Dancing with the Stars and Idol have the viewer partiipation, at least those are the two I do watch and vote on! Otherwise I love, love the reality shows on Bravo - except those housewives from the OC!

Reality shows may not be scripted but they sure are edited a whole bunch

Yes, there are a lot of editing that goes on and that's sad!

hope they keep pushing him on. I stand behind the cause but I was too lazy to vote when I thought the show was 'for real' so why start now.

My friend was telling me that in the UK that's what happened to the Idol version in the UK, it was called Pop Idol, they did that with one of the contestant who was like Sanjaya and that lead to the show being scrapped and revamped into a show called X Factor (not sure how they write the name) where in only the judges do the entire voting now and audience participation is nil. I would hate to see that happen.

I've always voted because I enjoy having a say!

The Sanjaya storm will pass...we just gotta be patient.

Yes, I'm John said, he's really not all that bad but at the moment there are others who are so much better. This is really turning into a mountain!