I agree with Gene’s article Link the murderer who did what he did, was an insane psychopath, and should not be made into a hero!
I don’t want to see his pictures anymore. I don’t want to watch the videos, in fact, I haven’t watched it, I keep switching whenever it’s coming on. I don’t want my children to see it, although they are aware of what happened and I have no explanation to give them as to why someone would do something like what he did, other than to say he was an angry person who was mad at the world.
I don’t want to talk about what he did anymore. He was a maniac who alienated himself and I don’t want to know about how he lived, what he wrote and I certainly don’t want to examine why he did what he did!
While I’m very happy that they identified who did it, and while I’m glad that hopefully, his type of behavior if exhibited again by anyone, will hopefully be picked up on by those people around the person, I surely don’t want to examine the killers instincts and what was in his head. I do not want to analyze him!
The Media do us and the victims of this terrible act an injustice by continuing to show his face, his videos and talking about him, as if he’s some sort of super person!
Now that they all know, it’s time to focus on the victims and help them to heal. Now that they know about him, it’s time to get things into place that will make sure this doesn’t happen again! It’s always awful to have to learn from something like this. But they should stop trying to guess what the hell was going on in that maniacs head. Stop the madness now. Don’t show me anymore photos of him; don’t talk about him because he’s becoming famous. He’s as bad as those idiotic maniacs who strap bombs on themselves and go into a crowd of innocent people to blow themselves up.
He’s gotten the attention he needed, even after death. He was a coward and he did the cowardly act of killing himself.
I’ve tossed out all the papers that came home yesterday with his face all over it and I’m telling my children not to watch or listen to anything about him. This is not denial; this is not giving someone who did a cowardly act the time of day!
He is not a martyr, and he will not be made into a martyr by me and he shouldn't be made into one by you, the Media!
While we the citizens of this country appreciate knowing what's going on out there in our world, it's time for more responsibility on your part. Stop sensationalizing everything! Stop the madness now!