Certainly not the toilet paper!
Before I heard about this story, my hubby and I had a discussion about the environment and what other people are doing or were doing all in the name of making the earth better for everyone to live in. This discussion came about because of a 'green' program we were watching. I reminded him of the simple things we were doing and we discussed the benefits and the whys or why nots for going green.
The one thing I said I would never do is give up toilet paper! I would never ever do that! That's the one luxury I can't live without! Believe me, as I child upon visiting my grandparents who lived in the 'country' area (read far from the inner city, very rural, trees, and at that time, no electricity in the homes, no running water, except provided by containers and visiting a river -yeah, you get the picture, but many 'moons' ago!) there was an incident of her not having any toilet paper and me having to make do with a switch filled with leaves..and yes, in the outhouse....believe me, it took many years to get over that one! At the time very amusing to my older and younger siblings! Nope, never want to take that path again!
So I heard about this couple who lives in Manhattan, NY, they have a two year old and live in one of those nicer apts in NY. They are living for a year on an environmentally project they call "No Impact", which involves a year of not using toilet paper, or anything that isn't environmentally friendly! They will not create any unnecessary garbage, that means that even if they go out to eat (which they rarely do now since they cook more often), they will have to use reusable utensils and plates. They have even unplugged their refrigerator and walk the six flights to and from their apartment instead of using the elevator!
I can understand trying to do my part in making life a lot more Eco friendly, but I cannot for the life of me understand not having toilet paper to wipe my privates after using the loo! The article didn't hint at a replacement for the toilet paper so does that mean they wash after each use? I won't even go there!
They are doing this "No Impact" to me not just for the environment though, the husband is a writer and this is is next book project. I wonder if the book will be of recycled paper or only available online? If that happened, I definitely would applaud them! If not, then they're just paying lip service to being environmentally friendly!
I'm still thinking what I would give up....I know I will continue to do things and make changes but I can't promise to give up anything! How about you?
Linked article here: Link