Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
More dangerous than snakes on a plane!
Published on May 30, 2007 By foreverserenity In Health & Medicine
You know what being an a plane is like; closed quarters, breathing the same air, not being able to move very far! You are anxiously awaiting your destination and once there breathe a sigh of relief but only to be more worried and scared when you hear the news that there was someone on the very flight you were on with a deadly form of TB!

I can't imagine being on a airplane, going about your business while unknowingly, there's someone who has a very deadly illness right there beside you!


How in heavens name was this person allowed to travel as far as he did? What I also want to know is did this person not know that he had this disease? I didn't see this mentioned in the news report and they are keeping his identity secret as well!

This form of tuberculosis, XDR-TB is the kind that is untreatable and so this person is just waiting to die. Well, I guess he just wanted to put every-one's life at risk too uh?

If he knew he was ill then he should be dealt with appropriately! Although, he's as good as dead so I guess it doesn't matter what they do to him! Now he's under quarantine and they are searching for the people who sat with him on the flights he took!

on May 30, 2007
He knew.

on May 31, 2007
He knew.

Absolutely vindictive then!
on May 31, 2007
Maybe he decided the way he would immortalize himself was to make himself the modern-day Typhoid Mary and spread his disease. What a dick-head. All he would/will (depending on if he infected people) is the modern-day Typhoid Mary.

I know he has TB not typhus, but the contagion element is the same idea.

What a donut head.
on May 31, 2007
sorry. double post. the computer is being wonky.
on May 31, 2007

He knew, and he drove to Canada to hop the flight (I guess he figured he would be on a no fly list in the states).

In essence, he committed assault with a deadly weapon on hundreds of people.

on May 31, 2007
Maybe he decided the way he would immortalize himself was to make himself the modern-day Typhoid Mary and spread his disease. What a dick-head. All he would/will (depending on if he infected people) is the modern-day Typhoid Mary.

In essence, he committed assault with a deadly weapon on hundreds of people.

What he did shouuld be considered as a deliberate act! Pre-meditated (spell?), he knowingly, and wilfully tried to kill others! Lock him up and throw away the key! While I can't imagine what life is like for him with that illness, the isolation (obviously not anymore and makes you wonder what else he as done!), because he endangered other people's lives, that's really hard to fathom!
on May 31, 2007
He knew, and he drove to Canada to hop the flight (I guess he figured he would be on a no fly list in the states).

In essence, he committed assault with a deadly weapon on hundreds of people.

What a dreadful thing to do. (is he a muslim trying to make his own statement?)
on Jun 05, 2007
is he a muslim trying to make his own statement?)

No, American. He's been all over the tv recently too on interviews and crying and all that goes along with apologising.
on Jun 06, 2007