What about working for what you want?
I just heard from tonight's news report about a new diet pill, Alli, that promises users will lose up to 50% of the weight they want to lose, faster than any thing else they have ever tried. The draw back to this is there are side effects that are just not so pleasant to deal with. Namely, you better be near the bathroom when you take it. Some people have reported that they sometimes don't get to the bathroom in time! And get this, the warning on the label says, wear dark clothing and take an extra change of clothing to work!
It's unfathomable that people will put up with something like that, the inconvenience and the embarrassment of using that quick fix just because they want to be thin right away!
It takes some people to realise, sometimes a little too late in life too, that life doesn't always work that way. I've even seen kids have this type of attitude wherein they demand things and expect a response immediately! Sometimes, rather rudely too in the manner in which they ask. My little one was doing this recently and I had to stop the behaviour and explain to her that she has to be patient and wait and that it's impolite to demand something, always say please and thank you! It's what all kids seem to do lately, and it's a habit she's picked up on.
Adults are no different in the way we think and what we demand. This type of thinking as become such a natural way of being in our society. We want what we want and we want it now! We want it especially when we don't have to work for it, and if it is free, even better! I won't say no to a good bargain, but I know you don't always get something for nothing. You know the saying, "if something sounds too good to be true, it usually is!"
When it comes to losing weight, whatever happened to eating less and working out? I've found that some people just are too lazy to even walk on a regular basis. They say that working out is too hard and takes too long. Duh? That's your life you're playing with! It doesn't even matter if you just do 15-30mins a day, doing something physical is good for your heart!
Getting a promotion, some people expect it should just fall into their laps just like that! Oh the boss sees me here, I'm always on time, I sit at my desk...duh...that alone does not cut it. How many projects have you worked on, completed? Are you a team player? Does the boss even know who you are or what you can do?
Going after what you want in life, you want a change of pace, new and exciting things, earn more money (don't we all!) nice vacation, lose 20 pounds? When was the last time you went after these things, planned them, made yourself available to actually experience these things? The answers to your prayers won't just pick themselves up and appear at your doorstep! Some people are lucky to already have it all, but for those who don't, it takes hard work and a lot of perseverance to actually make changes in our lives.
But it's hard work! Yes it is! So go after them, make a plan and execute it!