Google now owns YouTube. I'm sure many of you have heard that bit of news recently. I've heard nothing but complaints since they have become the owners. For one, users who post video contents that are not originals are no longer able to do so. If they do post it, it gets taken down immediately. The reason for this is copyright infringement and other real property rights that I won't go into at this writing.
I can't say I blame them as anyone who does post another person's product or work without permission and especially not giving props where and when it is due, that definitely smacks of a lawsuit by the owner(s) of said video(s)! YouTube owners do have to protect themselves, wouldn't you? I've had this conversation with my son who is an avid YouTube fan, mostly because he's into games and anything to do with Sonic and Megaman. One of his argument was, yes, he understands all that (them protecting themselves), however, even contents that were permissable by the owners and posted with the knowledge of the owners are being taken down and that's just wrong! They (Google) doing this to any and everything that gets posted is making YouTube not fun anymore.
I have also read that YouTube is now advertising on it's site. It has given permission to some of it's corporate partners to advertise on its' website. The ads will be semi-transparent and run across the face of the video being viewed. It will only take about 10 seconds and if the viewer wants to see the ad they simply have to click on it and it will open up and take them into the advertisement, the ad will then run longer than 10 seconds.
Many of the comments left on the blogged article I read had different opinions about this. Some (including the writer) felt that YouTube was becoming more like TV; the writer also mentioned that YouTube would feel like less of a community; one reader wondered if the advertisers will ask permission of the user who posts their video, if they can run an ad over their video; while another commented that maybe since the users are posting for free, YouTube might begin to say to users that they can post their videos only if they allow them to run ads on their work.
Whatever the comments for or against this new development on YouTube, the fact is that users are allowed to do what they do for free and the owners of the site do have a say in what the site contents are and they also have to make money, they are after all, a business! Although one could argue that without the users, YouTube would not be what it is today and thus they deserve some consideration from its owners.
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