Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Published on September 10, 2007 By foreverserenity In Music
Did anyone see the MTV Music Award last night? I didn't see all of it, I actually got to it in the middle, but was able to see the rest of it once they did the rerun....the rerun that supposedly won't happen because "whatever happens in Vegas, stays there"!

I don't know whose idea it was to do that sort of production, a party or concert in every room; whomever it was, I don't think they have a job this morning! First of all there were just too much going on all at once! I know they were probably trying to aim for "intimate" and "the audience feeling like they were physically there" but they failed!

Can someone tell Britney Spears that the whole world knows that she is lip syncing! Could her performance have been any worse? Wait, at least she didn't french kiss anyone, male or female on stage! But seriously, I don't think she wanted to be there. If she did, maybe she would have made some effort at even dancing the routine she planned with her dancers who actually did a better job dancing than she did!

I liked her boots, unfortunately that's the only thing I liked about her last night! The effort it took her to even shake her booty, lift her arms or even do that fake giggle, (or was that supposed to be a laugh?) was not even a concentrated effort! She probably was thinking too much about her upcoming court issues! And don't even get me started on her hair weave! Wow! Even I could have found a better hair dresser!

Chris Brown was fantastic with a capital F! He was absolutely amazing! I really enjoyed his performance and the way he moved was just phenomenal! He has good knees, my hubby said!LOL! It's weird when you get to a certain age that's all you can do is look at someone much younger than you, who moves with much more agility than you do and say "he has good knees"!

Justin Timberlake's performance was also pretty good. I really enjoyed the dancing! He deserves every penny he earns!

Timbaland was all over the place! Can this guy get any busier? He's just in demand by everyone because he seems to have that musical Midas touch!

Alicia Key's performance was superb and also very memorable!

Those are the ones that I remember. The entire two hours, although it seemed like three, and I did only catch the middle of it so for me it seemed like an hour turned into two, of a drawn-out, confused, noisy, A.D.D-symptom melee! I also want to know whatever happened to all those awards that they gave out, I think I saw only three or four of them? I definitely think they should always have a host for this show, going without one wasn't such a great idea!

I'm probably being too harsh but I digress!

For an even more detailed review, (although this wasn't really a review, just my opinions!) go visit MSN here. Link

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 10, 2007
Wait, at least she didn't french kiss anyone, male or female on stage!

That's the most entertaining thing she's capable of.

Justin Timberlake's performance was also pretty good. I really enjoyed the dancing! He deserves every penny he earns!

Well it's refreshing that his dancing earned points at the MUSIC awards. Justin Timberlake couldn't play "Come to Jesus" in whole notes. He, like many sports figures, don't produce for the world a 1/100th of what they earn. If you are entertained by him, that's great. But don't put a subjective price on his worth. To me, he's worth...wait a sec...let me get my calculator out again. Oh it is. Zero. Just another fevered ego convincing the masses that he knows anything about music and HIDING, just like you seemed to understood in your last post, behind the same kind of rationalizations. "Well who are you to judge what is good? Just don't listen if you don't like it. Just hit the BACK button"

(Ok, am I now falling into the group you chastised in your last article? Well that's why I say subjectivism is evil - see I HAVE a degree in music. And like it or not, Timberlake is NOT a musician - he's an entertainer. This guy advocates music education throughout the country, and he can't play!! Maybe he wishes he had some. You've basically just done the equivalent of saying that a guy that swallows multiple colors of paint and then pukes it up on canvas is a great painter - particularly if he wiggles his ass just right in the process. (This is the MUSIC awards, isn't it? Not the DANCE awards?) I already know the answer to that. It's the latter. That's fine. To MTV - Just stop calling it "music awards." Without their producers and marketting agents, these people would be worth...*looks at calculator again* remember the answer, don't you?

Sorry. Pet peeve. I can play circles around Timberlake while I'm in a coma. I have musical knowledge in my brain he can't possibly comprehend, and I have ethics that disallow me from preying on people that don't understand and taking their money while pretending to be something I am not. The fact that you say he's worth every penny he's paid is an affront to all real musicians everywhere. I know many starving musicians that are better than me, and therefore better than him. Sadly neither they or I can *dance* to the satisfaction of supposed MUSIC lovers. He's a whore, and you're buying him. And don't get me wrong, it isn't just Timberlake - it's 97% of mainstream musicians. It's no longer about who can play - it's about who can dance. WTF?
on Sep 10, 2007
Ok, am I now falling into the group you chastised in your last article? Well that's why I say subjectivism is evil - see I HAVE a degree in music. And like it or not, Timberlake is NOT a musician - he's an entertainer.

See, and this is why I drive home the point that I am not a musician, but a folklorist. If it weren't for tablature, I'd be hard pressed to play at a level even remotely resembling competence. And I know that, and have great respect for those who DO have the ability I lack.

But folk music is another art form altogether.
on Sep 10, 2007
Damn, Ock.

I think Justin Timberlake is a great ENTERTAINER/musician/dancer/whatever. Lots of people do.

Do you have to music snob all over everything?

FS: I didn't see the VMAs, but I watched MTV's clip of Britney's performance. It was terrible. Her hair looked gross, she moved around like she was on tranquilizers or something, and the lip-syncing was totally off.

She is NOT fat. She has had 2 kids in 2 years and she looks great considering. But compared to the vicious Brit bod we're used to, it was a little disappointing.

And the sexier part of the routine near the end almost worked except she seemed so bored and uncoordinated.

Poor girl.
on Sep 10, 2007
Haha, you guys take yourselves waaaaay too seriously!

And I do feel sorry for Britney in a "how sad" sort of way.
on Sep 10, 2007
PMS much?

on Sep 10, 2007

Well, this is a good followup to your last one FS, and Ock jumped at it.  As I cant hold a note in a bucket, I will let the pros say who is and who is not a muscian.  I just say I dont care for Brittney or Justin.

Give me Morrison and Santana.

on Sep 10, 2007
The masses don't want music, they want entertainment. There is no room for an unentertaining musician. If the musicianship is entertaining in and of itself, that's great - otherwise, you have to add something to it. And then you have the real entertainers, the ones who only have music so they can dance to it...

Nothing wrong with them. But they're no musicians.

It's akin to one of the masses walking up to a game of Imperial or Diplomacy and saying, "Hey, is that a new version of Risk?" "Yeah, it's just like Risk, there's a board and people are playing it."

Same with music and entertainers... if you're not one, you'll get confused between the two.
on Sep 10, 2007
Do you have to music snob all over everything?

I dunno, Texas. If you ever need to have an organ removed, let ME do it. Unless you're a doctor snob.
on Sep 10, 2007
PMS much?

Aw cmon, TW. That was beneath the you I've come to know and love. Mari feels strongly, as do I, that there are a lot of really talented people that would love to add to culture in the way that Michelangelo and da Vinci did, but they can't because some guy with a crayola crayon has a better marketting agent. There's no need to stoop to the effective calling of names. Are you projecting?
on Sep 10, 2007
Projecting what?

And if you think being a snot is beneath me, you don't know me very well.

on Sep 10, 2007
Haha, and do you really think you can compare medicine to music? LMAO. I understand it's you guys' passion and life's work and all, but dayum. Y'all are just INSANE about it.
on Sep 10, 2007
I'm sorry. I bow before you guys' intelligence. I am a slack-jawed, drooling moron and I will avoid making any comments about music or ENTERTAINMENT or Britney Spears or medicine ever again as I obviously am not smart enough to be entitled to an opinion.

on Sep 10, 2007
I still think better of her and figure I just don't understand, or she doesn't, or we both (she and I) don't.
on Sep 10, 2007
I'm sure I DON'T understand but I don't think it's an insult to "real" musicians for someone to want to bring sexy back while they're washing dishes or for someone to think it's sad that a beautiful girl with a lot of opportunities has turned her life into a train wreck and taken others (including innocent children) with her.

I am just not in the mood to be jumped on for having a shallow opinion. We can't all be geniuses.
on Sep 10, 2007
Well, TW, if you read my own article on the subject you'll see I don't care about the fact that entertainers exist. I don't think that every musical experience is supposed to be some intellectual musical self-aggrandizement festival, and if you thought that, you missed the point.

1. There are a lot of really talented musicians - many of them scratching for a living.

2. Pop stars use a very few of those musicians as their "band" and they get none of the high dollars the star gets.

3. The "Pop star" is usually "made" by a producer and an image is given them by whatever conglomerate is footing the bill. They don't do it for the craft...they do it for the dollar, and the actual musicians who play the gigs get peanuts in comparison even though the star could not exist without them.

You might say that "well. without the star's popularity, they wouldn't have a gig." Sadly, that isn't the case. One shitty gig is just like another shitty gig. There's plenty of them to go around. Unfortunately, they don't pay very well.

It isn't fair because without the musicians, there would be no star. I just want respect for genuine musicians - the ones playing in the background while star X rakes in the dough. Is that wrong?
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