Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
inside your shiny-fibre-glassed existence
Published on September 15, 2007 By foreverserenity In Poetry
You there!
behind your shiny-fiber-glassed existence
your exterior all glossy and shiny new
looking out on the world beyond your darkened windows
does anything touches your interior?

Or do you pretend not to see the real-world
plight of the bedraggled man looking at you
to his existence?

Or are you one of those who bat not an eyelid at such display
of reality bites?
are you one of those who snorts
“He’s-made-his-bed-let-him-lie-in-it rhetoric?
he chose his path when he decided to be on the road side begging
you have two legs to walk on, you are not a cripple
go to work you bum!”

But how do you know he is not crippled by his very existence?
the very thing that makes you get up and go freely, with never a second thought
just because you can
while he lays crippled, immobile by his mentality
for sure it is not your problem
you hiss your teeth at it being the problem of the government
because you can never, would never let yourself get in that way
because you have two hands and two feet and you know how to handle everything that comes at you
YOU would never be that way, ever, you say?

You go on in your reality
not thinking that one day your very existence might crumble around you
you too might not see it coming for you
hurtling forward grabbing you by the balls
of your feet
a grip so tight you have no idea of what pain is like
‘til you experience it for yourself
‘til you realize that you are vulnerable too

but that is not a part of your plan
it will never be your existence
you are after all cocooned

inside your shiny-fiber-glassed existence
your exterior all glossy and shiny new
looking out on the world beyond your darkened windows
does anything touches your interior?

on Sep 15, 2007
on Sep 15, 2007
