Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Will losing her kids make a difference?
Published on October 2, 2007 By foreverserenity In Entertainment
I must say that despite all that I've been hearing in the news, on the television programs and seeing on the Internet, even indirectly (because after a while I got sick of that mess) I felt bad for Briney Spears when I heard that she lost custody of her children, no mother wants that to ever happen no matter what.

In the case of Britney however, her life had become such a debacle, we all saw this coming and I wonder if she didn't? She lost her kids because she didn't follow the instructions of the judge. She was ordered to take drugs and alcohol tests and to get a California driver's license, she didn't do any of those. The judge was also told that she had never done any of the previous things the courts requested of her, such as the random drugs and alcohol tests. The judge did the only thing he could, he gave full custody of her two sons to their dad, Kevin Federline. Now whether or not that was a good thing, because he himself has issues that have been all over the news, but at least his actions aren't as bad, and the kids are with a parent!

As a celebrity many people feel that she was getting away with 'murder' because of the way in which she endangered the lives of her children and nothing, was done about it until it was almost too late. I for one didn't know that she didn't have a driver's license! How could she have been driving around with her two children and not be a licensed driver? Wouldn't that be the first thing a responsible person would do?

If it were me or you and we got stopped by the police, no license, what would have happened? Perhaps a warning if you're lucky, if you only forgot to take it with you. But if you had to show up and produce the license and didn't, would we have been in serious trouble? Yes!

Then there's the matter of her erratic behavior, would you go shave the hair off your head, just like that and then wear wigs to cover it up? Would you even do it yourself? I could understand it if she had had her hair trimmed really short, or, OK, shaved as it was, then sport her new look and affirm that possibly this is the start to a new enlightenment for her, shedding the past, getting rid of her baggage (so to speak) and finding some sort of renewal, or something like that! It would still have had us all second guessing her actions, perhaps looking at it as a bit drastic, but we could no doubt understand! What did she do Instead? She donned wigs of all sorts, got a tattoo, went partying all night, exposing herself, in all sorts of way, and knowing that the paparazzi would be there to document it all? How could this be the actions of a sane person?

She didn't seem to want to change her habits, she kept going where she knew she would be seen, acting out in such a way that I wondered if she hadn't had a chance to experience her wild teen years? Or was that her way of celebrating her freedom from her marriage?! Well, I could certainly think of better ways to do that if it were me! While there is nothing wrong with going out and having fun, with or without your friends, the manner in which she did it all, was definitely a cry for help.

Although she wasn't required to give the children to her ex-husband until tomorrow, she already did it and went to a hotel to stay. It looks like she couldn't wait to be free of the responsibility, but again, as a mom, she might just be trying to save them as much as herself, now before it's too late.

Heavens know if she will work at getting herself together, for the sake of herself, and especially for her children. I hope that by the judge taking these actions, that this will be her wake up call before she becomes a casualty of her actions.


on Oct 02, 2007
I am so sick of hearing about the personal life and asinine antics of this otherwise trailer park trash bitch that I could just scream. Who the hell gives a shit what this silly little bitch does? It's not like she's actually important.
on Oct 02, 2007
I think it's really sad and it makes me sad for her that she lost custody of her children. I think with the life she is apparently living, it is for the good of the kids, but as a mother it does make me sad.

It seems to me she is like someone self-destructing right before our eyes. I hope she gets help.
on Oct 03, 2007
It's not like she's actually important.

Only to those two little kids, I hope. Too bad her actions are causing them grief!

I hope she gets help.

Really serious help!
on Oct 03, 2007

I wonder if she didn't?

Child stars develop a surreal outlook on life.  They have so many adults catering to their every whim, that they see themselves as absovled from the normal responsisbilities of life.  Money fixes everything to them.

Unfortunately, it does not.  They just dont know that.

on Oct 03, 2007
Who would have ever thought that Kevin Federline would be the more stable partner?  I think the whole situation is sad.  Watching Britney crash and burn is not fun.  I think she needs to get out of the public eye and get herself together. 
on Oct 03, 2007
If a judge tells you to do something in a court of law, you do it. Stand, sit, speak, be quiet, eat snails, take a drug test, whatever it is.
on Oct 03, 2007
I think there is a bit of hypocrisy in America right now about this.

People look at Brit and say, "Yeah, man did you see her almost drop her kid with a drink in her hand? She drove without a license and them in the car too. She deserves to lose'm."

While I am not saying the judge was wrong (I am not privy to the details and don't follow the story except by accident), how many people know women who act MUCH WORSE than Brit and still have their kids? Do they advocate for those children? Get involved?

She's not the only drug addicted mother in the country. But she is probably one of the few who can afford to pay someone to watch out for her kids while she is stoned.

If she wasn't in the spot light, no one would give a crap how she mothered. Acting concerned for the kids is fine, and imo, the right thing to do. But to act as if this is such a horrible thing...pfft, it happens all the time, in every state, every day. That doesn't make it any less horrible....but it does make it less shocking.

on Oct 03, 2007
Unfortunately, it does not. They just dont know that.

They do now!

Who would have ever thought that Kevin Federline would be the more stable partner? I think the whole situation is sad. Watching Britney crash and burn is not fun. I think she needs to get out of the public eye and get herself together.

I know and agreed!

If a judge tells you to do something in a court of law, you do it. Stand, sit, speak, be quiet, eat snails, take a drug test, whatever it is.

True! Everyone know this, apparently not Britney!

how many people know women who act MUCH WORSE than Brit and still have their kids? Do they advocate for those children? Get involved?

I know, there are many who do the same thing and have for a long time. I don't know any, but the ones I've heard about are always via the news and eventually they get caught and lose custody.

Acting concerned for the kids is fine, and imo, the right thing to do. But to act as if this is such a horrible thing...pfft, it happens all the time, in every state, every day. That doesn't make it any less horrible....but it does make it less shocking.

Unfortunately is is not as shocking because there are so many who do this, as you said above. However, there are so many children out there who are in a horrible situation such as this and unless the city steps in, which is good or bad for the kids, depending on how you look at it; it would be better for a relative or friend to step in and take control and help those children and give the mom a chance to get back on her feet if she chooses or just give up her rights. It's not a win-win situation in cases like this and it shouldn't be ok for anyone at all, and even less ok being 'a thing that happens all the time'!
on Oct 03, 2007
They do now!

Based upon what happened to Paris, I wonder if they really do understand?
on Oct 03, 2007
Based upon what happened to Paris, I wonder if they really do understand?

If they don't get it Doc they are idiots!

Britney didn't show up in court today. Hopefully she is on her way to Rehab!