My kids went own on their own...sort of...without me anyway! They are safe, not to worry. My daughter went with her friends to the Sunday School they all attend to trick or treat car style....I think Tova or Life Happens mentioned that?! They aren't the only ones doing that this year it seems!
My son went with his friends, I let him with a bit of trepidation but realise that he's 13 after all, not a baby anymore, and this will probably be his last year to trick or treat! So, one last hey day, why not?!
I already went with my daughter twice already any way, and once with my son who joined us. And that was a tiring day! I remember last year's Trick or Treatin', we walked for two hours and it was tiresome! I was actually looking forward to it again because that was going to be my work out for the day! Aw well, I'll go to the gym tomorrow and I'm going to have to!LOL!
Hmmm, my son is home with a bag full! Yummy M&M peanuts and Mounds..scrumptious coco-nutty goodness!
Enjoy your chocolaty feasts you guys and gals!