Just in time for Black Friday!
Liz Pulliam Watson offers up some good advice for those of us who wants to take it, about being frugal for Christmas, if there's such a thing! There are many who will go all out as they usually do, why, because it's Christmas of course! But there are things we can do and many ways we can hold off on going over our budget for the holidays!
In an article entitled Have a tightwad's Christmas on msn.com/money, Ms. Watson suggested the following:
First off to try something new!
We can make our list a lot lighter. For most of us, our lists tend to be endless. I know I for one like to get our kids a couple of items, it's like the more the merrier, especially if we didn't go all out for their birthdays! So take something off that list!
She suggests exchanging Christmas cards instead of gifts with adult friends.
Focus on the kids, get them the gifts and don't buy anything for the adults. That's an idea if you want to do it I guess. My suggestion would be to perhaps not go as expensive as you would normally do but still get something nice!
If you plan to have a party or even to go out to eat, have a pot luck instead!
I think this is a fantastic idea and that is what we plan to do for our office party this year!
Use last year's decorations and clothes!
I've done that before, for myself that is, reuse what I had last year, nothing wrong with that!
Put names in a hat and buy gifts only for one member of the extended family.
Great idea especially if there are a lot of people in your extended family!
She also suggests going on line to different Web sites to look for bargains, and also to get coupons if there are any. Last year I gave a list of Web sites where you could go and find bargains and also get coupons. I will see if I can find it again and re-post it!
She also suggests re-gifting, very carefully, giving to your friend's or family member's favorite charity. Even going to a rummage sale! You can see her full article linked below.
If you are one of those who brave the crowds on the day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday......wear comfortable shoes and go get them sales!