Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
I've had one of those days, where I was in pain, really badly! I'm a fairly healthy person with no ailments to complain about (knocked on wood)! For the past two nights, I have slept badly for whatever reasons, and woke up with a really bad neck pain. The day before, I had a slight pain in my neck, where I couldn't fully turn my head. I knew I had slept bad. I did some gentle stretches and took some ibuprofen. I felt better for the rest of the day!

This morning however, I got up at 4am and I couldn't move properly, I was in a lot of pain. The last thing I remembered doing was reading my little one a story and saying prayers with her and then kissing her good night, all in my bed of course! That is our ritual and then I would get up and take her to her bed when she fell asleep. Not this time, this time, I fell asleep too with her in the crook of my arm, and my head high upon some pillows.

When I sat up in bed at 4am (I looked at the clock) I realised that my hubby had put Amanda to bed and left me sleeping up high. Ouch! I changed position, got rid of the pillows and went back to bed with the hope that when I got up in two hours, there would be no pain! But no, what was I thinking?! I could hardly move. So I drank some coffee and took a very hot shower and that helped a bit.

By the time I got to work, I was moving just barely and sat in pain. Then someone suggested for me to take some painkillers. Duh! OK, I was trying not to but I guess I will and so I took two Ibuprofen and it did it's magic! Pretty soon I was not feeling any pain at all! Yippee! I felt like my old self, almost, just still a little pain but not like before.

Then I thought to myself, that no wonder some people get hooked on medication. If one can feel so good after being in so much pain and feeling so bad, my goodness, I can't blame them and I totally understand when they get hooked on pills! (understand but not condone)

My hubby is right now taking antibiotic and painkillers, he has an infection and will have to go get his tooth taken out after the swelling goes down. He cannot function without the meds. So he is being careful not to overdose himself and checks how many he is taking for the entire day. I remember when my son had first broken his arm and was in so much pain after the medication, I had to be the one in control of giving him the medication, lest he took too much at once!

Those pills can make you feel good alright, and that is why it is so dangerous and why one has to be careful not to become an addict!

on Dec 05, 2007
I got some versaid once via inravenous injection before my vascectomy (I know! Too Much Information!) and I gotta say - I could get HOOKED on that shit! WOW! Lucky thing for me getting vascetomies is a once-in-a-lifetime-time thing!   
on Dec 05, 2007
Lucky thing for me getting vascetomies is a one time thing

Hahaha... I hear you. Lucky for me I tied my tubes six years ago! OOPs TTMI (Too too much information!)!
on Dec 06, 2007

Lucky thing for me getting vascetomies is a once-in-a-lifetime-time thing!

Eh - not quite.  A guy who works for me got one - and then had son #3!  He is that 1% that it does not work right the first time.

on Dec 06, 2007
I'm not sure about getting hooked on Ibuprofen but they can do funny things. I had taken 3 Ibuprofen retard (about 1mg) for a bad headache one morning and spent the day flat on my back! I was dizzy, walked like a drunk and could not function at work. Spent the day in the school clinic and never took them again. I read later that Ibuprofen in high doses can mess with your blood pressure and cause palpitations. This medicine has to be taken with caution and the accompanying leaflet should be read.
on Dec 06, 2007
had taken 3 Ibuprofen retard (about 1mg) for a bad headache one morning and spent the day flat on my back! I was dizzy, walked like a drunk and could not function at work. Spent the day in the school clinic and never took them again. I read later that Ibuprofen in high doses can mess with your blood pressure and cause palpitations. This medicine has to be taken with caution and the accompanying leaflet should be read.

Ouch! I only take two at a time and ended up taking six yesterday! Ibuprofen is not so easy to get hooked on as some of those other strong ones but it has it's danger and kids shouldn't take them.