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Road to Wellness and Serenity
Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Gift Giving and Other Thoughts
Published on December 13, 2007 By
Today someone stopped by my desk to tell me thank you because I participated in the adopting children for Christmas from a list that was sent around our building. I had selected two children and bought what they wanted for Christmas. Mind you I selected children who didn't want anything too outlandish or who wanted what I could comfortably afford to buy. I actually even had a problem finding one item for one of the kids and substituted something else. I was a bit embarrassed by what the person said, because I wasn't looking for any kind of 'notice' or anything like that when I did it. We had a brief discussion that there are so many kids out there who are in need all the time. He then said that yes, it does happen to everyone from time to time, some more than others. I've been in that boat before and have had help from strangers, and I'm a firm believer in giving back if one can.
In fact this year I've tried to help out whenever I hear of someone in need, not because I'm rich but because I wanted to and could do something.
In the process of looking for the gifts that was wanted, I realised that I definitely prefer to just shop for people, even my own kids, without having a particular list to shop from. I don't like or want to be told what to buy. It makes the shopping less fun that way! I like to buy something that I think someone would enjoy having. If it's someone that I'm not used to buying for, I do worry if they like my gift, or think it's too cheap!
I don't think a gift can be too cheap if it's given from the heart.. If someone can and does take the time to go out and shop for something for me, that gift is accepted with the most love and enjoyment!
I remember Brad's blog
where he said he prefers if someone does buy a gift for him and not just give him a gift card - on some levels I agree with him! To me it just depends on the person and where the gift card is from!LOL!
My son enjoys it when I just buy random gifts for him, he's even surprised and gets a big kick out of it! You see, being a gamer and loving his current console, the DS Lite, last year it was something else, he usually gives me a list of what he would like to have for Christmas or birthday and I would try to fulfil his wish. Once I decided to just get one game, then got him a random selection of things I think he would love. He loved that I did that! And he's even mentioned that I do that again for this Christmas' gift giving, even though he's put a couple of games on his list!lol! So greedy!
Our office party is tomorrow [today it's late!] (so many people are going to be off so it's earlier this year). We usually make a game of our gift exchange and do a kind of everyone pull a number, select a gift, and then take what they want from someone and someone else can take that gift back and so on and so on. It's a lot of fun! This year we are buying gift cards to exchange and we plan on doing the same thing! Not everyone usually participates in the gift exchange though and that's OK!
I have yet to buy my children's gifts yet but will get it done in time for the big day! Christmas card to send out, gifts to get, cleaning up and making changes to our home is still in progress...I've also got to think about our Christmas dinner and New Year's dinner...so many things to do..but all in good time and at my own pace, thank heavens!
I've not seen this level of people asking for contributions and lists going around before though. There are a few lists that I've done things for, but I can't do it all. I just hope many of them will get the wishes they desire, food, toys, someone to spend time with. All anyone needs is someone to care. Even the Marines were having a difficult time this year getting toys for their Christmas giving as they usually do. I heard that on the news report yesterday. It's getting rough out there folks, some of us are hanging on for dear life and I understand why it's taking so long to help others or why some folks don't bother to do anything. It's hard enough trying to stay afloat themselves.
But everywhere I go, there's a bin for collection and a hand stretched out. I hope they will get their wishes somehow, at this time of the year, it makes it even harder when someone in need doesn't have what they wished or hoped for.
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