I had no clue American Idol would be back tonight! Of course I watch TV, but I've been stuck on basic cable a lot and missed the promos! It was interesting and I've found three who I already like and hope they make it to the top 10.
Don't ask me for names, I wouldn't be able to tell you! But it was the auditions in the city of Philadelphia, a 25 year old who has a daughter with Rett's syndrome, a guy who you wouldn't think had such a great voice and a 23 year old who was the last to audition, she was my absolute favorite!
Fasten your seat belts folks, here we go again! Hopefully there won't be another Sanjaya controversy! My daughter didn't audition, she's busy with work and school, and will do it in her own time and I'm glad for that!
I won't be giving reviews so don't expect any!