It's been a trying week for exercising! Somehow, Monday and Tuesday were totally out! Wednesday, I got my mojo back, determined to continue what I've started and did the deed!
Thursday was fine. Working out 30 mins after work, a combination of weights, jump rope and my Performance machine!
Friday, no dice. I got home late, took my son and daughter to get Chinese and to the Game Stop. Today I had planned on getting an hour in but hubby had to go to the dentist and that took up my time, along with errands! The terrible part of it is he has caught the flu and since I wasn't sure what kind of condition he would be to drive or even if the dentist would go along as scheduled to get work done, so I had to be there.
I'm sitting here typing and cooking dinner, Lasagna but just realised that before I can get it into the oven I have to run out again, my baking pots had to be thrown out so that means going back to the store to get either a throw-away or something solid and reusable! Never a dull moment!
I did get a new exercise ball though, courtesy of my friend! I will be using it at some point tonight or tomorrow! Probably tomorrow as I will have more time to myself! It's usually my non-exercise rest day, but my week was already turn upside down so...!
I am learning that I have to be flexible and I have to keep on being determined to do this!