Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
what a messed up morning!
Published on June 10, 2008 By foreverserenity In Blogging

Being prepared to do something means being successful.  Failure to prepare means you are not successful! I know you can't always be prepared for everything, every little details that happens in your life.  But for the ones that you can be prepared for, doing that prep work is always a good thing!

I had a doctor's appointment this morning at 10am.  I got up, got my daughter to summer camp, (which she loves by the way!) and went back home because I didn't remember where I had written the information.  I've never been to see him before, he's a orthopedic surgeon.  I had my X-rays ready to be viewed and I was happy to get this out of the way at last.

Ten minutes later I'm still frantically searching for the address, nothing, no telephone numbers either!  How could I have been so careless?  Why didn't I do this the night before?  Why hadn't I put his info into my cell phone?  All those questions buzzzzzzed around my brain! 

I had an idea of where the office was located, and so I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door.  The first location I went to, no luck!  It was 10:10am...usually if I had gotten there no later than 15 mins, you are seen.  I was going to apologize profusely, explain my ineptness and charm my way into being seen!  No luck, it wasn't there!  I was sent somewhere else, where that office thought this doctor's office might be.

Thirty minutes later, having been to several buildings, driving up and down the road, going up and down elevators, no luck!  Good grief!  I might as well call it a day I said to myself. 

I decided to try another location where there was a medical building with several doctors enwuite.  This was 45 minutes later; you can give me A for effort and determination!

No luck!  There were two offices on that floor, the thing is, the name of the doctor that I remembered, didn't match any on the directory. I went in anyway, explained myself to the receptionist, asked if maybe I had the name wrong, could she see if I was scheduled to be seen there and I would just make another appointment.  But nope, not scheduled for that office.  She gave me directions to the other office on that floor.   I walked in, it is dark in the foyer, apparently an air condition broke down and lights being out in the foyer area.  A guy was there on his cell phone, with a big fan going and what seemed to be a hose pumping or cleaning up the area. I guess they had some problems in that suite. The guy told me no one was there and they would be back at 1pm.

So at that point I left, feeling quite miserable and not having a good morning!  I made a decision to not let it ruin my day and get the information again from the office on line and reschedule.  I'll have to apologize and I'll probably have to pay a fee for not showing up....aggrrhhhh!   [Deep breaths!]

At any rate folks, the lesson there is, you fail to prepare, prepare for failure!  That was my morning, how was yours?  I don't plan to let this ruin my day though!


on Jun 10, 2008

When I was a kid in Cub Scouts I never realized at the time the HUGE value of the scout motto: be prepared.

Wow. Just two little words! Now in retrospect I can see the supreme importance of that little two word motto that I just couldn't see back then. Yeah, being prepared is quite literaly everything.

on Jun 10, 2008

Yeah, being prepared is quite literaly everything.

yep!  I know!  Usually I am, because when I dont' know where I'm going I mapquest it and make sure the information is where I can find it, number in my mobile, etc....nope, not this time!  I have no clue why I messed up like that!  I think it's a combination of factors, (not excuses) too much on the brain!  [my car needing to have it's windshield change because of a daughter going to her day camp, my son being at apt to be to the doctor, work...many factors...just one of those moments when mommy slips up! sighs~

on Jun 10, 2008

So what. You missed a doctor's appointment. Big deal. You lost all the information, who cares? You're entitled  to a mistake every now and then.

Believe me it happens to the best of them.

It never happened to me though.

But again, I'm NOT one of the best of them.

on Jun 10, 2008
I was a boy scout. I learned to always be prepared. (Hecks, I'm an EAGLE scout.)

Doesn't mean I always remember to do it.
on Jun 10, 2008

Argh, how aggravating.  I think my blood pressure went up a bit just reading about your day.  Deep calming breaths help but I can understand how frustrating that must be. 

Now I have to one up your story.  lol - enough about you let's talk about ME.  When I was big, huge pregnant, I mean not being able to see my feet pregnant I had an OB appointment but could not find a parking space anywhere at the base hospital.  I almost drove home but thought ... no prenatal care is important.  I am close to my due date.  I MUST KEEP MY APPOINTMENT.  I parked at the corpsman's barracks and waddled my porky little self up to the hospital and was told that I couldn't be seen because I was late for my appointment and would have to reschedule.  You just really shouldn't do that to a hormonal pregnant woman. 

So the moral of this story is ... at least your not pregnant! 

on Jun 10, 2008
(Hecks, I'm an EAGLE scout.)

Fartherest I ever got was the Webelos. I got kicked out 'cause I got caught eatin' a Brownie. Or..was it for doin' pushups over gopher holes? I can't remember...   
on Jun 12, 2008


Believe me it happens to the best of them. It never happened to me though. But again, I'm NOT one of the best of them

I was a boy scout. I learned to always be prepared. (Hecks, I'm an EAGLE scout.) Doesn't mean I always remember to do it.

I know!  We can't always be perfect right?!


Argh, how aggravating. I think my blood pressure went up a bit just reading about your day. Deep calming breaths help but I can understand how frustrating that must be.

Let me tell you, I had such a morning!  I went to my office with lots of pent up frustrations!


Now I have to one up your story. lol - enough about you let's talk about ME. When I was big, huge pregnant, I mean not being able to see my feet pregnant I had an OB appointment but could not find a parking space anywhere at the base hospital. I almost drove home but thought ... no prenatal care is important. I am close to my due date. I MUST KEEP MY APPOINTMENT. I parked at the corpsman's barracks and waddled my porky little self up to the hospital and was told that I couldn't be seen because I was late for my appointment and would have to reschedule. You just really shouldn't do that to a hormonal pregnant woman. So the moral of this story is ... at least your not pregnant!

Ouch! That was bad!  I know!LOL!


(Hecks, I'm an EAGLE scout.) Fartherest I ever got was the Webelos. I got kicked out 'cause I got caught eatin' a Brownie. Or..was it for doin' pushups over gopher holes? I can't remember...

You must have been quite a little rascal!

on Jun 13, 2008
That sucks Donna! It's killer when you have to pay for a missed appointment, too! Ugh!

It's understandable with all you've got going on that something like this could happen. I actually completely forgot an appointment Isabella had a few months ago. I didn't pay attention to the calendar.

AND, for the record, neither Mr. Webelo Cub Scout nor Mr. Eagle Boy Scout appears to know the Cub Scout motto.

Cub Scout motto: Do Your Best!

Boy Scout motto: Be Prepared.

on Jun 13, 2008
Sigh...I've had some of those days, too...when I'm not prepared for something. Sometimes the "winging it" concept works, but when it doesn''s a
on Jun 14, 2008

AND, for the record, neither Mr. Webelo Cub Scout nor Mr. Eagle Boy Scout appears to know the Cub Scout motto. Cub Scout motto: Do Your Best! Boy Scout motto: Be Prepared. So THERE!

LOL! Exactly!


Sigh...I've had some of those days, too...when I'm not prepared for something. Sometimes the "winging it" concept works, but when it doesn''s a

Man, winging it is what I tried to do....alas disaster!lol!  Yes, days like that are a disaster!