Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Published on July 17, 2008 By foreverserenity In Blogging

Sometimes it saddens me, the hate and the distrusts that continues to separate us.  It is sometimes difficult to read some of the things that are said and to listen to what people say.


Things are said without realizing what is being said.  Do they understand what they are really talking about?  I guess not, otherwise it would not be said in the manner it is, and there would be a better coming together of the minds, not just a load of disparage thoughts. 


Our world could be so much better so much more amazing if there were not so much hate and jealousy for each other.

What does it matter if one's skin is darker than the other?  Are we not all human, and important?


What do you tell the child that constantly sees and hears the negative things that are said about his kind?  Is it now wonder that he prefers to have light hair and blue eyes? Is it no wonder that each and every child chooses the lighter-skinned, fair-haired doll as the perfect thing to be?


What chance do they have, will they have in this society?  We all like to think that we are not haters, that we don't judge, but we do, sometimes without realizing it because it is such a part of our personalities.


When the people of this country can look at each other without seeing the colour of each others skin, without thought for what we are, but rather who we are, that is only when our country can be the great nation it is supposed to be. 

We are a nation that is so wrapped up in race we cannot get the stench out of our clothing.  We might be walking around and living our lives, but we are still slaves and we are at the mercy of our hate.



Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 18, 2008

it is its fate and that is the historical fact ....

An historical fact, yes, our continued destiny, I certainly hope not!  Positively harping on the positives, despite the naysayers and the ignorance!

I will probably try a few and then decide which I like best.

Neat! I'm thinking of changing mine, but I love that high kicker, kind of my phylosphical outlook on life right now!

I do not believe that our ancestors made our fate. WE make our fate with our decisions today. WE control our destiny, not some dead ancestors and their actions.


True, they started it, but in the end, ultimately, those of us who are here now, we chart the path to the destiny we desire, at least that is my opinion on this.



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