I wonder sometimes when did we get into such a state of environmental neglect? So much so that our world has begun to show the effects of our neglect, or is it really the years of our growth? Then I wonder, is this not a natural occurence though? Because as humans progress in life, we learn to do everything better so as to have a simpler life, to make our lives better, for living, how can that be wrong?
What we have been doing and what we continue to do does affect our world at large. Look at how many animals have been displaced because their homes and territories are being taken away, by us. Look at our waste, we are having problems on where they should go.
While we can recycle and put some of the waste to good use, we keep
adding to the big mountain called a landfill!
I've heard the stories of bears and other wildlife going into different neighborhoods, but are not the humans the interlopers? Were the wild ones not there first, so can we really blame them? Of course the other side of that argument would be that we do have a right to be there because our planet is overflowing with so many people, we are running out of space to fit everyone!
Just how long would our planet experience our growth without changing? It has changed ever since the cave days, and it will continue to change even more! The decision is ours to make on whether or not we are going to make the change that has to happen, good for Mother Earth and her environment, or keep on adding to its deterioation.