Life as I Know It; Family; Lifestyle; and Healthy Living!
Published on September 21, 2008 By foreverserenity In Blogging

Some of my sidebar links work, some do not.  I have updated the ones that just doesn't seem to work and yet I get the same thing when I click on one or two of the links....I don't get the blog site I want to read!

Please fix this or let me know what I'm  not doing to make it right?   Having the sidebar is the easiest way for me to find some of my favs and it has been hard to for a while now.


on Sep 21, 2008

Me too.  (I couldn't resist)


Something else that has NEVER worked for me is the little "more" button in the article lists on my front page.  Sometimes I want to find things that have scrolled away.  I click the "more" thing and nothing happens.

on Sep 21, 2008

Me too. (I couldn't resist)



Yeah, sometimes that happens with me too. I know I'll proably be told there is a page or blog to go complain but I don't know where that is anymore either!


Come to think of it, you used to be on my list at one point, I lost touch!lol