You know those stories, you've had them read to you as a child, seen the movies, read the novels when you grew up...."and they live happily ever after". Is that an illusion, a lie, are we trying to make an illustion reality? Shouldn't we really not give that illusion to our little impressionable ones?
Hmmm....I do like the, love, love, LOVE the ideal of "happily ever after", and why not? Why shouldn't we? I love romance, love the feeling that being in love makes me feel, seeing couples who really and truly love each other, why is that not a nice thing? Isn't love wonderful? Yes, but sometimes it is not, we all know that.
I had a conversation with my big brother recently. I like being his ear, when he needs to talk, he calls and we talk, or he talks, and I listen with a word in here and there. I like the fact that he talks to me so openly and I try to encourage him. I could wring his awful wife's neck, she's not a nice person and if you follow my blog, you know what I'm talking about.
He told me that he admired my husband and I, the fact that we have been to together so long and the fact that we make it work, our marriage, our relationship. It is not the first time I've been told this by other friends and relatives. It is nice that they admire us, and yes, we have been together a long time now. It has not been an easy road, and we do have our moments! I will be the first to tell you that.
We have our moments of love, being madly in love, passion; moments of anger, joy, disagreements, boy do we disagree sometimes! We are loud, we shout, we get mad, we argue, we hate, we wonder why we are together, we do not see eye to eye on everything! He's a pain in the ass and I know he thinks the same of me sometimes too!lol But underneath all that we respect each other and we really care about each other. In this our...[I stopped to think how long we've been together!lol! I just don't always keep up and he's worse than me where that is concerned!].... but in this our God knows how long year of being a couple and being married, (because we were a couple first before we got married!) we have nothing but love and passion for each other and I can't imagine what my life would be like without him, even though sometimes I no more doing everything by myself....making all the decisions.....ok, ok, I'm not being fair!lol!
The thing I'm getting at is, what we should tell our children when they get older and are able to understand is that "happily ever after" takes lots of work, hard work, and love, and caring, and selflessness, with a bit of selfishness tossed in too, but lots of selflessness! It sure doesn't happen overnight, and it is not going to always be a bed of roses in a relationship. At the first sign of trouble, being a disagreement or something else, unless it is a threat to your life, or something really serious, they shouldn't jump ship. Happily ever after takes two people working togehter towards one goal, despite everything, no matter what, as long as there is love, then happily ever after will be there, it might not be pefrect, like in the fairy tale, but it can be darn sweet!