Day two of my keep on moving goal, I got up early yesterday morning and did some Yoga! It felt good to stretch this old curvy body! (yeah, curvy!
I got up and did Yoga, worked with my dumbbell's, and jumped rope!
After work I ended up at the gym my husband Michael hangs out at, with Adam and Amanda and we played table tennis for a while! It was fun and I got even more exercise in!
For the day I ate pretty healthy, oatmeal and coffee started my day. I also had yogurt cup, yogurt drink and two bottles of water. Lunch was leftovers....not considered healthy, but when I cooked it, I did not put sugar, plus I used lighter sauces, spaghetti and meatballs!
Dinner was grilled chicken sandwich with a gulp of coke from my husband's cup! At the end of the night when we were going home, we stopped for pizza to take home, I had two mini veggie slices from the mini I shared with Michael and Amanda. Friday and Saturday are my cheat days so i wasn't too worried about it!
My plan is to keep track of what I eat so that I can eliminate at least 50% of the bad stuff, or at least, keeping better track of it!