I've been told not to get 'testy', what a hoot!
Charles, take a breath!
I read Charles article http://charles.joeuser.com/article/337088/A_letter_to_the_New_President_of_the_United_States_of_America_01202009
It's all good, and well-intentioned, I guess. But I just don't understand all the blogs written saying 'congratulations' and I guess, trying to be concilatory, while in the same breath, cutting into President Obama. It's either you're going to say congratulations and be done with it, or you just don't say anything because you're contradicting yourself.
I also pointed out on a comment Whip made that President Obama messed up and he's probably not president because of it (which some people probably thought too), it was a flub because of how the words were said by the Chief Justice giving the oath. And let's face it, who wouldn't be nervous, both of them were, because it's a first time for them both!
I knew it was a mistake because of Brian Williams comments during the ceremony being shown live on MSNBC today. I just read an article about it as well. See the link above - below title line.
Two parts to note:
"The encounter was briefly awkward after Obama stepped on Roberts' opening lines from the 35-word constitutionally prescribed oath of office. The chief justice then wandered into a verbal detour of his own."
"On Tuesday, the stumble over the presidential oath was the only bump in an otherwise smooth ceremony.
Initially, Obama interrupted Roberts midway through the opening line, in which the president repeats his name and solemnly swears.
Next in the oath is the phrase "that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States." But Roberts rearranged the order of the words, not saying "faithfully" until after "president of the United States."
That appeared to throw Obama off. He stopped abruptly at the word "execute."
Recognizing something was off, Roberts then repeated the phrase, putting "faithfully" in the right place but without repeating "execute."
Obama then repeated Roberts' original, incorrect version: "... the office of president of the United States faithfully."
After that, they were back on track."
It was a 'bump' as the article said.