I listen to the news because I like to know what is going on. I heard today that two really big organizations in my hometown will be cutting positions, including management, full-time and administrative!
A Police Department in another town is cutting back. They said they can't guarantee any one's job anymore. No one is safe!
There are still a few Job Open House happening too. So there are some hiring going on. However some of the people there said that for now they are just taking resumes, while there are some who will hire.
Tit for tat, I guess.
It just doesn't seem to get any better. I work in education, it will be taking a really big hit this year as well!
All this makes me wonder why some people are so adamant at this new leadership. Sure we don't know what will happen, even though some people have already written the books on what they say will, it is amazing to me that they can judge others who want to feel even an ounce of inspiration from what happened on Tuesday!
Things can't remain the way they are anymore, too many people are losing out. It is scary to wonder what is next, but we cannot be so jaded that we scoff at the word "hope" because sometimes "hope" is all that might get that person to go further beyond their borders to do something about their situation instead of giving up and waiting for the other shoe to fall.